

What are mature male gametes called?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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Q: What are mature male gametes called?
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What ensures sea anemone do not self fertilize?

In monoecious species, male gametes mature earlier than female gametes so that self-fertilization does not occur. This is called protandry.

When a female and male gametes unite is called?

it is called fertilization and the female and male gametes form a zygote. (:

In males the reproductive cells are called?

A male or female reproductive cell is called a gamete. =-)

What are reproductive cells called?

Reproductive cells are called gametes. In males, the gametes are called sperm and in females, the gametes are called eggs.

What is a mature male lamb?

A mature male sheep is called a ram.

Where are the male sex cells called?

The male sex cells or gametes are called sperm.

What other name do call gametes?

They are the sex cells. They are haploid cells.

What is the function of the male sex cells in the plants?

The male sex cells provide male gametes during sexual reproduction. Union of male and female gametes is called fertilization.

What is a mature male pig called?

A mature male pig is called a boar. A mature female pig (that has produced offspring) is called a sow.

What are male gametes?

Male gametes are sperm cells produced in the testes. They are responsible for fertilizing the female gametes (eggs) during sexual reproduction, forming a zygote that develops into an organism.

What is the male sex cell called?

Male gametes, or sex cells, are called sperm.

What are male animal sex cells called?

all sex cells are called gametes, males have sperm, female have eggs