

What are medieval monks who perfected our calendar called?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Gregorian monks.

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Q: What are medieval monks who perfected our calendar called?
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How did medieval monks spread Christianity?

Medieval Monks spread Christianity by many different techniques. Now, if you are talking about Medieval Monks in Europe, then they spread Christianity by telling others mostly. There is a website all about Medieval Monks below.

What year were medieval monks around?

Monks were around for every single year of the Medieval Age. There were also monks in late Roman times, and there are still monks in modern times. Monks have been around for a good long while, and not all of them were Medieval. * The Medieval Age lasted from the 5th Century to the 15th.

Why were benedictine monks called black monks?

Benedictine monks were called black monks because of the color of their traditional black robes or habits. The term "black monks" was used to distinguish them from the Cistercian monks, who wore white robes and were known as the "white monks."

What were medieval monks view on Christianity?


Who did medieval monks worship?

The God of the Bible.

What did the monks wear in the medieval times?

a Frock

What was the roles of monks in medieval Europe?

To pray

What were monks roles in medieval Eurpoe?

their role was to protect

Are there any more medieval monks living?

No, obviously. Medieval times ended hundreds of years ago and people, monks included just don't live that long.

What was a medieval musician called?

minstrel is the name of a medieval musician

Who lived in the monastery in medieval times?

Monks lived in monateries.

What did medieval monks do for entertainment?

Masturbate, read scriptures, pray.