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Q: What are men taking to become feminine?
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Can taking estrogen make men sound feminine?

No. The size of the vocal cords is changed at puberty but you can change the resonance, pitch and timber with which you speak, thus making a more feminine voice.

Why do gay men act feminine?

Well, not all gay men act feminine. Some do and some don't. It just depends on the person.

What is the feminine form of a senator?

There is no feminine form. Senator is the word for both men and women equally.

What do bisexual men look feminine?

How masculine or feminine a man is depends on his looks, not his sexual orientation.

Is the spanish word examen masculine or feminine?

feminine. If I remember correctly, my Spanish teacher told us that if a noun ends in -men then it is feminine

Where can I get fashionable mens wallets that are not too feminine?

Gucci is expensive but has a lot of stylish men's wallets that are not feminine.

Why do cars have feminine names?

because they were made by men

Why do gay men try to act feminine?

This is a stereotype.

Why are gay men attracted to feminine men?

This question is very wrong, I myself am gay and there are many straight very masculine men I am very attracted to. But some gay men like feminine men because that's what they are attracted to, everyone is attracted to different people.

Can you become pregnant if your husband is taking methotrexate?

Men should wait three full months after their last dose before attempting to impregnate their partner, after taking this powerful drug.

When did couples massage become a regular thing to do?

Following the feminist revolution and liberation in the 1980s, it has become more socially accepted for men to be seen participating in formerly "feminine" activities, such as massage. The modern age of youthful frivolity with regards to romantic relationships has strengthened this feeling, as men become more liberated to enjoy the finer, "girlier" parts of life.

Why do women have a better sense of smell than men?

we are just more feminine than men