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Q: What are metals and other materials that transfer heat and electricity easily called?
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Metals and other materials that transfer heat and electricity easily are called?


Are materials that allow an electricity to transfer easily?


Materials through which heat can flow easily are called?

A conductor easily Transmits heat and electricity. A conductor can include: Copper, some metals, metalloids, and more. ! - The Silver Fox.

What are materials like aluminum pans and metal spoons that easily transfer heat called?

Conductors. It's a common property of metals, the ability to conduct heat, and electricity.

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bad conductors

Material that allows electricity to pass through it easily?

Metallic conductors such as copper, aluminum, silver and gold are some examples of materials through which heat and electricity can easily flow.

What are materials that easily transfer heat?

Heat Conductors

What materials are easily transfer heat?

Heat Conductors

Materials that don't transfer heat easily are?

An insulator.

What materials transfer thermal energy easily?


What materials do not transfer heat easily?

An insulator is a material that does not allow a transfer of electricity or heat energy. Materials that are poor thermal conductors can also be described as being good thermal insulators. Feather, fur, and natural fibers are all examples of natural insulators

What are the materials that easily conduct electricity?

Metal, specifically, copper