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Q: What are microscopic organisms that are plastic within living cells and cause disease in humans?
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What are microscopic organisms that are parasitic within living cells and cause disease in humans?


Are humans micro organisms?

Micro organisms refer to microscopic creatures, such as bacteria. Humans are not among which.

Does blue whale eat humans?

No. They eat small fish and microscopic organisms.

Which disease caused by microbes is very common?

i am not that sure but the anwer isthere are three types of disease that i nofungi bacteria virous

What is a sentence for the word microscopic?

Bacteria are microscopic organisms that can cause diseases in humans and other animals. A microscopic examination of the metal bracket showed cracks around the weld. Spiders can climb on glass using the microscopic hairs on their feet.

What microscopic organism causes disease?

It would be impossible to list all of them. There are endless numbers of microorganisms that cause illness in humans.

What aspect of viruses causes disease in humans or other organisms?

destruction of a host cell

What are microscope organisms that are parasitic within living cells and cause disease in humans?


What causes a disease but are not considered to be living organisms?

Viruses are not considered living organisms but can cause disease. Prions that cause Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow disease, aka vCJD- variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease when in humans) are not living organisms as they are just misfolded protein particles.

Can you identify common sources of infection?

Food and water infected with pathogenic bacteria that cause diarrhea.

Why is plastic waste a nuisance?

Plastic bag is a non decomposable material. Humans & animals have an enzyme which helps in digestion. When plastic bag is swallowed, this enzyme does not help in digestion. For animals it can cause death & for humans cause any disease.

What are the common classifications of coccidia?

Coccidia is classified as subclass of microscopic spore. It is a intracellular parasite that can infect both animals and humans, and can cause many disease.