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Q: What are most organisms in the kingdom that are unicellular while others form colonies?
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What are unicellular organisms found everywhere on earth some are harmful while others are helpful?

Eubacteria are unicellular organisms that are found everywhere.

Is a unicellular organism a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell?

It could be either. Some unicellular organisms are prokaryotes while others are eukaryotes.

Is eubacteria multicellular or unicellular?

Eubacteria are unicellular microorganisms. Some of these organisms are capable of making their own food, while others rely on the environment for their food source.

What are some facts about single celled organisms?

Unicellular Organism are single celled organisms(one cell only). Unicellular Organism can't be seen by the naked eye. Most Unicellular Organisms are baterica and etc.Unicellular Organism are also the opposite of Multicellular Organism(Many Cells Organisms).

What are the characteristics of Monera?

Monerans are unicellular microorganisms. These prokaryotic organisms do not have a nucleus nor organelles in their cytoplasm. Some are autotrophic, while others are heterotrophic.

How are organism different?

There are so many different unicellular organisms that all I can say is that every one is very different from most of the others. This question needs more specificity.

What type of things belong in the Protista kingdom?

Protists are unicellular eukaryotes, So they have membrane-bound organelles similar to animal cells and are in general larger than bacterial or archaea cells. Probably the mos famous protist is the Amoeba, but many many others exist. However, the term is being used less in favor of recognizing the diversity of these organisms. The term is still commonly used to refer to unicellular eukaryotes, but may not always be considered a proper "kingdom" comparable to plantae or animalia.

Do microscopes magnify unicellular organisms?

Yes. Microscopes magnify things. That is how they make it possible to see little bitty things.

What kingdom of organisms cannot consume or digest other living organisms?

Plants and others like them do not eat other living things. They are autotrophs and make their own food.

Is Eubacteria a multicellular or unicellular?

Eubacteria are prokaryotiic unicellular microorganisms. Some can manufacture their own food, while others depend on external sources for nutrients and energy.

The members of this kingdom are unicellular prokayrotic heterotrophic or autotrophic and may be harmful or helpful to humans?

unicellular kingdom, reproduce through mitosis, hundreds time larger then bacteria, eat bacteria, include these examples: ameoba, algae, protozoa, move by cillia and flagella, can cause disease like malaria 18 sets 2 one celled water organisms like paramecium and amoeba 10 sets 3 protista 5 sets 4 -most are one celled -can be animallike, plantlike, or funguslike -3 types: protozoans, algae, and slime molds 4 sets 5 eukaryote, unicellular and multi-cellular (algae), autotroph and heterotroph. 4 sets 6 algae and protozoa are part of this kingdom 4 sets 7 multicellular or unicellular organisms that either make their own food or eat other organisms 4 sets 8 "odds and ends" kingdom because they are very different from each other and yet are not a fungi, plant, or animal 3 sets 9 most diverse kingdom 2 sets 10 univellular (one cell), eukaryotes (have nucleus), found in water 2 sets 11 single celled, some make their own food and some don't, some move and some don't, some act like animals and some act like plants. 2 sets 12 unicellular kingdom, reproduce through mitosis, hundreds time larger then bacteria, eat bacteria, include these examples: ameoba, algae, protozoa, move by cillia and flagella, can cause disease like malaria. 2 sets 13 both single cell and multi. complex cells. microscopic. has nucleus 2 sets 14 paramecium 2 sets 15 the protist kingdom consists of mostly unicellular organisms that can have characteristics similar to plants, animals or fungi. characteristics of protists: mostly unicellular, few multicellular, eukaryotic, can be heterotrophic or autotrophic. ex: algae, paramecium, kelp (multicellular). 2 sets 16 algae and protozoan are part of this kingdom 1 set 17 organisms made of only one cell and are microscopic (amoeba, algae). 1 set 18 there is one kingdom of prostist but two main categorties there is protazoan and algae 1 set 19 which kingdom contains unicellular eukaryotic cells, which may be autotrophic or heterotrophic 1 set 20 alae and protozoa are part of this kindom 1 set 21 makes there own food or eats other organisms 1 set 22 members have a cell nucleus. algae. they have differnt parts inside their cell to perform differnt jobs. make their own food. 1 set 23 contains many or one celled organisms, some can move from place to place, some make their own food while others eat other organisms, look like moneran, but they have a nucleus 1 set 24 what an amoeba uses to move. 1 set 25 algeand prtoxan are part of this kingdom 1 set 26 -called "odds and ends" kingdom - either autotrophs or heterotrophs - either multicellular or unicellular - all are eukaryotes -great variety 1 set 27 some make their own food, some can not, some can move, most are single celled 1 set 28 unicellular/multicellular eukaryote, autotroph/heterotroph 1 set 29 one of the 5 kingdoms; example algae

Is algae microscopic?

Certain algae is unicellular and microscopic. Multicellular algae can be microscopic, but often are not. Seaweed is an example of algae that is a single multicellular organism and not microscopic.