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Q: What are non example of seismic waves?
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What is an example mechanical waves?

Ocean waves, seismic waves, and sound waves are some examples.

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Is seismic waves and earthquake waves the same?

Seismic waves are any waves that travel through the Earth. As such all earthquake waves are seismic waves, however not all seismic waves are caused by earthquakes.

What does seismic?

(not seismic, seismic wave)Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the earth.

What affects the speed of seismic waves?

The speed of seismic waves are affected by the type of material that the waves are traveling through. in other words (as an example): some type of waves can travel through rocks but not through liquids.

Seismic waves that shear rock side to side are called?

seismic waves actually the correct answer is S waves. trust me if you put seismic waves it will be wrong

Kind of wave released during an wave?

During an earthquake, seismic waves are released. These waves travel through the Earth and can be detected by seismographs. The main types of seismic waves are P-waves (primary waves), S-waves (secondary waves), and surface waves.

What Movement of the faults produces which kind of energy waves?

the waves caused by an earthquake are called seismic waves

What are Example of transverse waves?

Examples of transverse waves would be light waves, seismic waves or any other type of electromagnetic wave.

How do light waves differ from seismic waves?

Light waves are electromagnetic waves that can travel through a vacuum, while seismic waves are mechanical waves that require a medium, such as rocks or soil, to propagate. Light waves travel at the speed of light (about 300,000 km/s), while seismic waves travel at much slower speeds (a few km/s to several km/s). Light waves exhibit characteristics such as reflection and refraction, while seismic waves can produce earthquakes and reveal information about the Earth's interior.

Which seismic waves cause the least damage?

The Love and Rayleigh waves (collectively known as surface waves) are the slowest moving but most damaging of the seismic waves.

What are seismic waves associated with?

Seismic waves are associated with earthquakes.