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An object in motion.

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Q: What are objects remain at constant velocity unless an unless an unbalanced force acts?
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Does an unbalanced force needed to change the direction of a things motion?

Yes. An unbalanced force is needed to change the direction of an object's motion. This is an example of Newton's first law of motion which states that a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will remain in motion in a straight line at constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Constant velocity means the same speed and direction. So if the direction changes, so does the velocity.

What word is used to show an objects tendency to remain at rest or keep moving with constant velocity?


An unbalanced force will not change an objects motion?

If the forces on an object are unbalanced then the objects motion will change. It will start accelerating in the direction of the resultant force. Only objects that have balanced forces will remain in the same motion (stationary or moving at a constant speed).

When no outside forces act on asystem of objects what do the objects do?

If there are no outside forces acting on a system of particles the total momentum of the system will remain constant; i.e. the center of mass of the system will remain at rest or move at constant velocity.

What is velocity at which a falling object travels when the force of air resistance matches exactly the downward force of gravity?

newton's first law states: an object will remain at rest or at a constant velocity unless the forces on it become unbalanced. As the forces on the object are now balanced it falls at a constant velocity. For falling objects this is called the terminal velocity

If the instantaneous velocity of an object remains constand can its instantaneous speed change?

No. Speed can remain constant when velocity changes, but velocity can't remain constant when speed changes.

The natural tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion with an constant velocity is called?

Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object remains at a constant velocity unless it has an unbalanced force acting upon it. That constant velocity includes zero, which means that a stationary object with no force applied to it will not move. Since velocity includes direction, then a moving object with no force applied to it will continue to move in a straight line at a constant speed.That tendency is called inertia.

Does the speed of a car moving in a circular path at 15 mph remain constant Or does the acceleration or its velocity remains constant?

The magnitude of the velocity will be constant however the direction will be constantly changing. The acceleration will remain constant towards the centre of the circle

What happens to the acceleration when the total mass increases but unbalanced force remain constant?

Acceleration increases

Does velocity of an object remain constant in uniform circular motion?

Velocity is a vector with magnitude (speed) and direction. Since the linear velocity changes direction the speed is constant but the velocity is NOT constant.

Can the velocity of a body remain constant in circular motions?

No. Since the object's direction changes all the time, it follows that its velocity is not constant. Its speed, on the other hand, may or may not be constant.

Why is a particle in uniform circular motion not moving at a constant velocity?

No. Velocity has direction and magnitude. The magnitude can be constant, but if the body is in circular motion, the direction of the movement is constantly changing, which means that the velocity is constantly changing. Changing velocity means that the body is accelerating. In this case, because the motion of the body is always changing away from a straight line to cause it to go round the circle, the acceleration acts towards the centre of the circle.