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Ocular Migraines: Understanding the Visual Disturbances

Ocular migraines, often referred to as "visual migraines," are a unique type of migraine that primarily affects your vision. These episodes can be both unsettling and concerning, but they generally don't result in the intense headache that is commonly associated with migraines. Here's what you need to know about ocular migraines:

  1. Visual Disturbances: Ocular migraines cause temporary disruptions in your vision. These disturbances can manifest in various ways and may include:

Scintillating Scotomas: This is a fancy term for seeing shimmering or flashing lights in your visual field. It's as if you're looking through a kaleidoscope.

Blind Spots: You might experience blind spots or areas of reduced vision that gradually expand and then disappear.

Zigzag Lines: Some people describe seeing zigzagging lines that move across their vision.

  1. Duration: Ocular migraines typically last for a short period, usually less than an hour. After the visual disturbances subside, you might feel fatigued or have a mild headache, but it's not as severe as a typical migraine.

  2. Lack of Headache: Unlike common migraines, ocular migraines usually don't cause intense headaches. The visual symptoms are the primary hallmark of this type of migraine.

  3. Potential Causes: The exact cause of ocular migraines isn't fully understood, but they might result from the same underlying factors as regular migraines, such as changes in blood flow to the brain and abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

  4. Triggers: Ocular migraines can be triggered by various factors, including:

Certain Foods: Some people find that certain foods, like aged cheese, processed meats, and foods containing MSG, can trigger ocular migraines.

Stress: Stress and anxiety can play a role in triggering these episodes.

Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, particularly in women, can lead to ocular migraines.

  1. Diagnosis: If you experience these visual disturbances, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional to rule out other potential causes. They might perform a thorough eye exam and review your medical history.

  2. Treatment: Managing ocular migraines involves identifying and avoiding triggers whenever possible. In some cases, your doctor might recommend migraine-specific medications to help prevent or alleviate symptoms.

  3. When to Seek Help: While ocular migraines are usually harmless, there are instances where visual disturbances could indicate more severe conditions. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience sudden and severe visual changes or if your symptoms are accompanied by other neurological issues.

In conclusion, ocular migraines are unique episodes characterized by temporary visual disturbances that don't always come with a severe headache. Understanding the symptoms, triggers, and potential causes can help you manage and address these episodes effectively. However, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and guidance.

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12y ago
Ocular migraines, or acephalgic migraines, are migraines where you have the symptoms of the aura, but the pain of the headache never comes. Ocular migraines have the same triggers as any other migraines, and will respond to the same treatment. Exposure to prolonged migrainous aura puts you at risk for stroke and for white matter lesions on the brain.a form of migraine with transient monocular vision loss, typically in young adults, that may or may not be associated with headache around the eye. Syn: retinal migraine.

well actually i get ocular migraines, I've visited multiple doctors and they've all said that's what it was, and i do get the pain of regular migraines. it starts as distotred vision then moves to the outside of my periphrial vision, all symptoms are gone for 5 or so minutes and then i get a crazy headache right in the center og my brain it seems like. all i can do is take regular migraine medicine and sleep it off.

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15y ago

There are two different kinds of migraine which people will refer to as optic migraine. The most common one is also call ocular or acephalgic migraine, ALSO called a silent migraine. This is a migraine where the aura, or vision impairment (along with other symptoms) occurs, but no pain occurs. While it can be great not to feel the pain of the migraine, people who have this type of migraine can be just as disabled, because the aura interrupts their life. It is just as important to seek treatment from a neurologist to treat these migraines, particularly if you are having more than two a month.

A second type, not to be confused with ocular migraine, is ophthalmoplegic migraine, which are no longer considered to be migraines - but nerves which control the eyes acting out, causing drooping eyelids, watering eyes, usually on one side of the head.

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11y ago

The International Headache Society does not recognize the term 'occular Migraine headache', although it is common for physicians who have not kept current with their knowledge of headache medicine to refer to Migraine with Aura as an occular Migraine. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist whose job is to stay current on the latest and greatest information and treatments.

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