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Yes, to great effect.

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Q: Can you take excedrin migrane for body aches?
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Can you take NyQuil with excedrine migrane?

No. You absolutely positively cannot take both NyQuil and Excedrin of any kind together. They both contain high levels of acetaminophen, which, if overdosed on, could hospitalize you. Excedrin also has aspirin. Whether or not you can take them over so many hours apart, however, is a question to ask.

Can you take excedrin migraine while taking Vyvanse?

DON'T DO IT! Technically you can, but Excedrin migrate has caffeine in it, enough that when I took it while on vyvanse, my heart was racing and I could not stop vommitting. If you can drink a bunch of coffee while on vyvanse, you probably won't have an issue with the Excedrin migrane, but be careful when taking too many stimulants at the same time.

Can you take excederin with chemotherapy?

It is hard to answer. The best thing would be to ask your doctor or nurse. Have the Excedrin bottle with you so that the exact ingredients can be reviewed (there are different formulations.) If you are having headaches or body aches talk to your doctor so they can make sure they are taking the best care of you they can.

Can you take excedrin with Klonopin?

Type your answer here... can you take excedrin migraine with klonopin

What happens when you take excedrin pm in the morning?

Excedrin PM is designed to make you sleepy. If you take it in the morning, it may make you lethargic.

Is it safe for a 12 year old to take excedrin migraine?

Excedrin (the same as Excedrin Migraine, the same as Excedrin Back & Body) contains three ingredients: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) which is safe. Caffeine which is also safe. The third ingredient is aspirin. Most physicians recommend not using aspirin in children until they are over 18 due to the risk of Reye's Syndrome.

Can you take Excedrin Migraine and Relpax together?

You take Relpax at the very onset of a migraine. If that does not work in a couple of hours, yes you could take some Excedrin.

Can you take Excedrin migraine with melatonin?

Yes but the caffeine in Excedrin will keep you awake instead of help you sleep.

Can you take excedrin migraine and imitrex within 12 hours?

Yes, you can take Excedrin Migraine and Imitrex within 12 hours. You can even take them at the same time. Excedrin Migraine contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and caffeine. All of these are safe to take with Imitrex - which is a triptan medication and works by a different mechanism than the medicines in Excedrin Migraine.

Can you take Sumatriptan with Klonopin?

Can you take excedrin pm with kolopin

Can you take too much excedrin?


Can you take excedrin with plavix?

I'd check with your doc, all I can see is that excedrin has caffeine in that, I believe the excedrin back and body does not. The Metoprolol is a bp med correct? Do you drink coffee or tea now, I don't think one would hurt but I'd call the doc to be on the safe side.