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Q: What are organisms called that live in the presence of air called?
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Lichens absorb water and minerals from the air. As a result, they are easily affected by pollution. Thus the presence of lichens are a good source of air quality for other organisms

Most organisms on earth live in?

The air. Most organisms live in the air! others live in food and on your feet!!

When will a cell break down glucose anaerobically?

If you break down the word aerobic: aero- "air" + bios "life". So aerobic organisms live on the presence of air, specifically oxygen. The prefix ana- is a negation, so anaerobic organisms do not require oxygen for respiration. Some organisms (called facultative anaerobes) are able to switch from aerobic to anaerobic respiration. The determining factor in the switch from aerobic to anaerobic would be the presence of oxygen. If there is no oxygen, then facultative anaerobes will respire anaerobically.

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The experiment of redi and Pasteur helped to demonstrate that?

The experiments of Redi and Pasteur helped to demonstrate that all organisms come from other organisms. At the time, the prevailing theory was called "Spontaneous Generation" which assumed that organisms simply appeared. Both scientists delt with proving that, in the presence of oxygen, organisms did not grow if they were not exposed to microbe-containing air.

What do organisms do when they are exposed air and covered by water live?

release hormones

What do Earth organisms need to live and reproduce?

For organisms to live and reproduce on earth, the three main thing they will always need is Air, Water and Food.

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Why do you have to live in earth why cant you live in space?

Because there is no air, water or living organisms to eat in space but there is on earth.

What effect do air water temperature soil and sunlight have on organisms that live in a particular?

they have aeroby

The air water temperature soil and sunlight in an ecosystem have no effect on organisms that live in the area?
