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Q: What are organs inside your body called?
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What is a fear of the human body and the inside organs called?


What is enternal organs?

No such thing.Internal organs are those that are entirely inside the body.

What organs are on your lower back?

There are no organs ON your back (apart form the skin). Your back is the upper OUTER surface of your body, your organs are inside your body.

What term mean organs inside the ventral body cavity?

term for organs inside ventral cavity

Does gingivitis affect inside organs in the body?


Can Cells contain internal structures called organs?

No, cells cannot contain organs. Cells are small, and several cells together form tissues, which then form organs. The parts inside a cell are called organelles, and organelles function in a cell the way organs function in a body.

What are internal organs?

Internal organs are organs that are inside your body, like your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.

What do bones do for organs inside your body?

it helps protect the organs in your body, and helps you to stand up, otherwise we would be on the floor.

Which organs does air leave the body?

Air leave the body from organs called the lungs.

Where are dog's organs located?

Mostly inside the dog's body.

What is the inside of your body lined up with?

The inside of the body is lined with a protective layer called the epithelium. This layer covers organs, blood vessels, and other internal structures to provide a barrier and regulate the exchange of substances between different body compartments.

Why some organs inside the body use a protection?

beacuse some organs are the brain and heart if you lost it you will die.