

What are other names for Chronic fatigue syndrome?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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13y ago

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It has been called chronic fatigue and immune disorder (CFIDS), myalgic encephalomyelitis, low natural killer cell disease, post-viral syndrome, Epstein-Barr disease, and Yuppie flu

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Q: What are other names for Chronic fatigue syndrome?
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How is Chronic fatigue syndrome uncovered?

CFS is diagnosed by evaluating symptoms and eliminating other causes of fatigue

What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disorder, or collection of symptoms, primarily characterized by extreme fatigue that persists for a period of at least six months. Other symptoms may include chronic pain, headaches, and IBS.

Can chronic fatigue syndrome be related to undiagnosed hypothyroidism?

yes. but hypothyroidism has many other clinical manifestations than just fatigue.

Is chronic fatigue syndrome real or a misdiagnosis of some other ailment?

I think it is real. Lots of people suffer from this syndrome. I think it is real. Lots of people suffer from this syndrome. I think it is real. Lots of people suffer from this syndrome.

A debilitating chronic condition characterized by fatigue diffuse and or specific muscle joint or bone pain and a wide range of other symptoms is known as syndrome?

fms or fibromyalgia syndrome

What are the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome?

The biggest symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is major fatigue that lasts for 6 months or more that appears suddenly and is not relieved by resting or lying in bed. It can also be bad enough to joining in regular activities. Some other possible symptoms include but are not limited to memory loss, confusion, concentration, and several other physical symptoms may present themselves.

Does exercise help Chronic fatigue syndrome?

A program of moderate exercise helps to keep patients from losing physical conditioning, but too much exercise can worsen fatigue and other CFS symptoms

About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome experience persistent and extreme tiredness. Even after resting, fatigue caused by mental or physical exertion often persists. Before an official diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome is given, other medical conditions must be ruled out by conducting various tests.Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue SyndromeThose with chronic fatigue syndrome often find it difficult to concentrate and remember things. Another classic symptom is the enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpits and neck. A chronic sore throat and unexplained muscle pain are also experienced. Frequent headaches and uneasy sleep also come along with this painful syndrome. Also, extreme exhaustion typically sets in after physical or mental exercise and lasts longer than 24 hours. Depression and the desire to isolate oneself also affect chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers.Possible CausesThe cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is not entirely known. However, chronic fatigue syndrome sometimes sets in after a viral infection. In general, those with the syndrome have slightly impaired immune systems. Also, hormonal imbalances have been associated with the illness as well. Women are more likely to develop the disorder than men are. The illness most commonly affects those who are in their 40's and 50's. Also, those who are overweight, out of shape or under a lot of stress are more likely to develop the condition.TreatmentAntidepressants not only treat the depression experienced by chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, but this medication also provides some pain relief and helps sufferers to sleep better. Also, going off of caffeine may help improve sleeping patterns. If not, sleeping pills may be prescribed by an attending health care physician.A physical therapist can schedule an exercise program that is right for each person. In the beginning, chronic fatigue sufferers may start out only with stretching and range-of-motion exercises for a few minutes a day. With time, the exercise program can be enhanced so as to experience greater benefits.A qualified psychologist helps chronic fatigue sufferers work through their problems and limitations. This helps patients relieve certain anxieties and feel more in control of their lives.

Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome becomes evident when a normally active person is struck with debilitating, persistent fatigue. The exhaustion is not relieved in spite of proper rest, and there is no apparent medical cause. This puzzling disorder interferes with productivity and pleasure. The ramifications are serious not only due to the resulting physical limitations, but the emotional distress that often accompanies chronic fatigue syndrome is devastating.CausesThere is no known specific cause for chronic fatigue syndrome, though several theories have been explored. Viruses or viral infections, stress, genetics or environmental factors have been advanced as possible causes. Some doctors link chronic fatigue syndrome with psychological problems or persistent stress. There may be an as yet undiscovered combination of factors underlying chronic fatigue. Other possible causes include hormonal imbalances or immune problems. The condition is most common among women aged 30 to 50.SymptomsPersistent fatigue that lasts beyond a day after physical or mental exertion is the central symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition, there are eight official symptoms. Fatigue, memory loss, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes under the arms or in the neck, muscle pain, joint pain and restless sleep compile the profile of a typical chronic fatigue syndrome case. These flu-like symptoms are unusually persistent. Your doctor will first rule out other serious illness when unusually persistent fatigue is investigated.TreatmentsChronic fatigue syndrome is incurable. Treatment is case-specific and may include drug therapy, exercise, dietary adjustments or psychological counseling. A thorough physical and psychological evaluation ensures appropriate treatment. Patients are encouraged to adapt to a changing physical condition, and to find an appropriate activity pace. In addition, they must reduce unnecessary physical and emotional stresses in their lives.Coping With Chronic Fatigue SyndromeSymptoms may last as little as a few months and disappear or may persist in some degree throughout life. Acupuncture, massage, biofeedback or mind/body exercise have alleviated symptoms to some extent in some individuals. Each patient must find therapeutic relief appropriate to personal circumstances. It is possible to adapt gracefully and courageously to a life with CFS.

Anyone have chronic muscle pain and fatigue after eating food?

I'm researching the same symptoms and in my wanderings, I've seen plenty of references to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. As I am at the beginning of my search and have yet to see a doctor, I won't put much here in regards to that, except that it seems to be badly triggered by a high carb/sugar meal. There are other symptoms as well. You might want to check it out.

How To Recognize Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome can be extremely hard to diagnose as it shares several symptoms with other diseases and conditions including, among others, the rare lupus, depression and the devastating multiple sclerosis. The situation is also further complicated by the fact that there are various medications that, when taken for an extended period of time, bring about symptoms that are disturbingly similar to those associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. In an attempt to ensure that chronic fatigue syndrome is not misdiagnosed, the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) has listed two requirements that need to be fulfilled before a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome can be made. These requirements are, firstly, a previously-unexperienced and presently inexplicable sense of extreme fatigue that accompanies everything that a person does and, secondly, at least four of a given list of related symptoms. These specified four - or more - symptoms must, furthermore, have been experienced for at least six months. The CDC has gone on to list those symptoms that are most commonly associated with confirmed cases of chronic fatigue syndrome, and the best way to recognize the syndrome is therefore to compare a list of suspected symptoms to the list of predetermined symptoms and see if there’s a match. The predetermined list of symptoms includes such things as multiple-joint pain, sore throat and muscle pain, and, given the general nature of these symptoms, it can easily be seen why the syndrome is so often misdiagnosed. Further symptoms on the CDC’s hit-list include impaired concentration, lymph nodes that are painful to the touch and unusual headaches. There are also several symptoms that have been identified in a significant number of cases but not in enough cases to warrant inclusion on the CDC’s list. These related symptoms include such things as irritable bowel syndrome - which is a nasty condition all by itself - sensitivity to bright light and regular bouts of dizziness. Further sub-symptoms - which may or may not indicate the presence of CFS - include food allergies, panic attacks and night chills. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating condition and is especially insidious when remaining undiagnosed for long periods of time.

What is the icd 9 cm code for Chronic pain syndrome?

ICD 9 CM Code - 338.29 Other chronic pain.