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Q: What are other names for air?
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It has other names in other languages (for example, the German Stickstoff), but they all just mean "nitrogen". There really aren't any synonyms for it in English.At one time air from which oxygen had been removed (leaving mainly nitrogen, usually with some carbon dioxide) was called "phlogisticated air", but no one nowadays uses that terminology.

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Clay pigeon thrower. But there could be other names for the device...

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A dirigible, a Zeppelin, a lighter-than-air aircraft and an airship are all other names for blimps. Airship is probably the most technically correct term for all those air vehicles, as it is a more general term.

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Direct Air serves the United States and has had many subsidiaries that operate under other charter names for Direct Air. The areas mainly served by Direct Air were Myrtle Beach, Florida.

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16 and there names are African history museum, air and space

What are the names of the armed forces?

The names of the armed forces vary by country. For example, in the United States, the branches of the armed forces are the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. In the United Kingdom, they are the Army, Navy (Royal Navy), and Air Force (Royal Air Force). Other countries have their own unique names for their armed forces.

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Other names are Fits, attacks, convulsion .

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she had other names like mikey.

What are other names for knights?

Some other names for knights include cavaliers, chevaliers, and hidalgo.