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Q: What are other things like personification simile?
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Is the pencil danced across the paper a simile?

no, it is personification a simile is when a sentence has "like" or "as"

Is the fires anger could not be contained a simile?

No, that is not a simile. It is a personification because it gives human emotions (anger) to the fire. A simile explicitly uses "like" or "as" to compare two unlike things.

Is like a tree house swaying in the wind a simile?

"The leaves danced in the wind" is an example of personification. Personification is when you apply human characteristics to nonhuman subjects, such as leaves dancing. To make this a simile, try something like this; "The leaves danced in the wind like..."

Is 'The library was dark like it was sleeping' an example of personification or a simile?

Personification. A simile would compare two things, such as, "The library was as dark as the inside of a coal mine at midnight," or "The library was as quiet as inside the losing team's bus heading home."

Is like burnt out torches by a sick man bed a simile metaphor or a personification or a hyperbole?


Is a toy soldier a metaphor a simile hyperbole or personification?

it is a simile because it it using the word 'like'

What is the difference between simile metaphor and personification?

A simile compares two things using "like" or "as" (e.g. "as brave as a lion"), a metaphor compares two things by stating one thing is another (e.g. "time is a thief"), and personification gives human traits or abilities to non-human things (e.g. "the stars danced in the sky").

What are the five parts of figurative language?

The five parts of figurative language are simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and symbolism. Simile compares two things using "like" or "as," while metaphor directly states that one thing is another. Personification gives human characteristics to non-human things, hyperbole exaggerates for emphasis, and symbolism uses objects or ideas to represent something else.

Metal wheels squealing. Is it a personification or simile?

it is a personification, since wheel's don't squeal, a human characteristic, so much as squeak.

What element does metaphor simile and personification have in common?

a smile is a conperision using like or as and a metaphor is a comparition,but its do not use like or as,tomak the comparition and personification is

Is silk lanterns twinkle in the dark like magic stars a simile?

Its a personification

Is the clouds were as white as snow personification?

No, its not personification. Its actually a simile since it uses the word "as".