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Q: What are particles of similar mass contained with?
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What subatomic particles are similar in mass?

neutrons and protons

What are 2 particles similar in mass?

The proton and neutron

What do atoms subatomic particles differ in?

They differ by mass, electrical charge, dimensions, location in atom, type of qurks contained.

Do nuetrons have higher mass or alpha particles?

alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons (helium nucleus) logically one neutron can not have a larger mass than two neutrons and two other subatomic particles of a similar mass

What are particles similar mass called neutrons and protons contained within?

Atomic nuclei....Protons contain two up quarks and a down quark orbiting each other, and neutrons contain two down quarks and an up quark.

What 2 particles have similar masses?

Protons and neutrons have near identical mass. One will not have to account for the difference in mass in most calculations.

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What is the earths atomic mass?

Since the Earth is not a single atom, nor a collection of similar atoms, it does not have an atomic mass. Atomic mass is a measure of how much matter is contained by a specific atom.

Is atomic mass and molar mass similar and mass number of particles the same?

We can find atomic mass and mass number in chemical elements. Atomic mass is about weight of the atom. Mass number is about total of neutrons and protons.

Does gamma radiation have no mass?

No Gamma Rays do not have mass. All electromagnetic radiation has no mass.

The mass of an atom is contained primarily in its?

The mass of an atom is contained primarily in its nucleus.

What are the subatomic particles with no mass called?

All subatomic particles have mass.