

What are particles that makes up matter?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Atoms make up elements

Neutrons, Protons and Electrons make up Atoms.

Quarks make up Neutrons and Protons.

In the end everything is made of energy.

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Q: What are particles that makes up matter?
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What particles that make up matter are in a state of?

Particles that make up matter are in a state of constant motion.

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Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. It is what makes up all substances. look at matter as the molecules and atoms that make up material and chemical substances. But also, subatomic particles such as protons and electrons are considered matter

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The same particles of matter that make up a solid are also the same particles of matter that make up a gas or a liquid. Basically matter consists of atoms. At the simplest level, the particles of atoms are electrons, protons and neutrons.

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Matter is made up of atoms.

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Heat energy makes the particles in matter move faster. The more heat, the faster the particles move.

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That matter was made up of indivisible particles -Apex

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Matter makes up anything that has mass.

What is a basic property of the tiny particles that make up matter. electric charges can be positive or negative?

The property that makes up electric charge is called just that: "electric charge". Note that the particles also have other properties.

What are tiny particles that matter is made of are?

Matter is made up of atoms.

What is the tiny particles that matter is made of?

Matter is made up of atoms.