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Q: What are pathogens how do they pollute water qnd what effect do they have on human?
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ACID RAIN is harmful to our lungs and can pollute (i don't know if i spelled that wrong) the water in seas, rivers, beach (it could get really dirty) , and drinking water.

Can human pollute water?

Yes. Humans have the capacity to pollute water with no difficulty. They most certainly can and do. Take the Chesapeake Bay for example. Yup. Most pollution comes from humans

How do human pollute the water?

they pollutes it by haveing a w*nk and the haveing a pi*s

How human impacted water cycle?

Humans adversely affects water cycle. They do deforestation and pollute the environment.

How does an estuary effect your water shed?

it effects it because it flows in to the ocean and could pollute the whole ocean.

How does pollution effect drinking water?

if you pollute water then you won't have any water to drink because it is polluted and if you drink it, it will kill you. That is how pollution effects drinking water.

What would be the effect if gas poured into a lake?

It would detroy the environment around it and pollute and kill animals and water:)

Show the best caption of water pollution?

if you will pollute water you will pollute your life.......

Why do you pollute water?

Because it is cheaper for people to pollute the water than to clean it up.

Why you pollute water?

Because it is cheaper for people to pollute the water than to clean it up.

What are 2 things that can pollute water?

Oil from oil spills can pollute water. When we shower, the ingredients in the shampoo pollute the water as well.

Where do people pollute water?

people pollute there waste in oceans