

What are physical propites?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What are physical propites?
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What is the propites of the elements?

Different elements all have very different properties. However, you can define an element as a substance with only one type of atom in (e.g. only sulphur atoms). If a substance has more than one type of atom in, then it is either a compound or a mixture, depending on whether the elements have bonded.

What is two chemical propites of sodium?

Two chemical properties of sodium: - Sodium is a rather soft metal that can get oxidized if exposed to oxygen, therefore one chemical property of it is that it can be oxidized. - Another property, more popularly recognized than the previous one, is that sodium reacts readily with water to create hydrogen gas in an exothermic reaction.

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physical property

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Is origami a physical or chemical change?

It is a Physical change

Is carving a pumpkin a chemical change or physical?

It is a physical change.

Is crumple a chemical change or physical change?

Crumple is a physical change.

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it is a physical

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Is physical property a physical property?

No, physical property is NOT a physical property itself

Is painting wood a physical or chemical change?

Its a physical change