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Usually anorexic people have a certain tint to them... almost.. yellow.

Yellowish skin in Caucasians is generally due to liver conditions. As anorexic people are malnourished, this is possible.

One of the most unique physical signs of certain cases of anorexia is the appearance of 'lanugo,' which is that covering of fine hair as seen on babies.

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Q: What are physical signs of anorexia other than weight loss?
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How do you know you have Anorexia?

There are various mental and physical signs, and usually it will be properly diagnosed by a doctor or other emdical professional.

What are the signs and symptoms of the condition of anorexia?

If the person is obsessed with her/his weight and if it is starving itself.

What is signs of anorexia nervosa?

Signs of anorexia nervosa are a low body weight, thinning hair, dry skin, brittle nails, and shrunken breasts. No menstrual period, low blood pressure, and feeling cold with a lower than normal body temperature are also signs of anorexia nervosa.

What is sports anorexia?

Sports anorexia is a type of anorexia (not an official diagnosis, however). With it, individuals with present typical signs of anorexia including a severely restricted diet and weight loss, but there is also signs of extreme exercise or sports. This contributes to weight loss, but can change the appearance of what some might think of as a "typical" anorexic (very thin, bones, emaciated....though this is incorrect because anorexia can exist at a variety of weights).

What are physical signs of signs?

weight, size, Shape, height, state, matter

Are you anorexia if your 6 stone 8?

While weight is a big factor, more impotant in diagnosing an eating disorder like anorexia is weight in terms of BMI (Body Mass Index) and percentage muscle and percentage body fat. A diagnosis for anorexia also requires other symptoms or signs, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, organ degeneration, hair loss, and a disordered mental state.

If someone believes another person is suffering from anorexia what signs should they look out for?

If one believes someone is suffering from anorexia, there are a few different signs you could watch out for. If the individual has an intense fear of gaining weight or getting fat, regardless of the person's actual weight that may be a sign. The individual may also believe that their weight and size determines their worth and how they feel about themselves. Check for any misuse of laxatives as well.

What three signs of physical change?

height, width and weight

What are some signs of Pi's physical and spiritual deterioration?

Physical signs may include weight loss, poor hygiene, and declining motor skills. Spiritual signs may manifest as loss of hope, decreased motivation, and spiritual apathy.

Can you see a person how is anorexia nervosa?

It can be difficult to see "how anorexic" or to what degree of severity an individual is at. Severe cases can be more mental, with less physical signs, while other sever cases may be very dangerous in terms of health but with a relatively stable mind-set.

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Anorexia is an eating disorder in which the patient severely restricts their food intake. Symptoms include an abnormal fear of body weight, obsession with being thin and a distorted body image.

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