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Mostly dust

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Q: What are planetary rings made out of?
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What are planetary rings made of?

Planetary rings are made of dust, moonlets, or other orbiting objects. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all have ring systems.

What is saturns rings known as?

A planetary ring

How many rings in solar system?

planetary science

What is the proper term for the rings around the outer planets?

A planetary ring.

What are the rings of the planets made of?

The material which make up the rings come from a variety of sources. They can be formed frommaterial from the original protoplanetary disk which did not coalesce into the main planetary body;material from collisions between a "moon" and meteorites;ejecta from cryovolcanoes - volcanoes whose eruptions eject volatile materials such as methane, water or ammonia. These condense into "ice".

What is an ansa?

An ansa is the most protruding part of planetary rings as seen from a distance.

Is there ice in space?

Yes. Comets and many planetary rings (much of Saturn's rings, for instance) are made of ice. Because of virtually zero pressure, which allows for almost no temperature, most water in space is in the form of ice.

Are all planetary rings at the planet's equator Do any have polar orbits?

No, all the moons and rings rotate in the same plane as the planet itself.

Why do astronomers call certain moons sheperd satellites?

These moons orbit close to planetary rings, and with their gravity, prevent the rings from dispersing, like shepherds.

When was the planetary model made?


What are Neptune's rings made out of?

Nobody knows exactly. Normally, planetary rings are made up of rocks caused by impacts between planets, moons and asteroids. However, Neptune is not a solid planet, so there is nothing for other space objects to impact on. Also, Neptune's rings are very faint and incredibly difficult to see. Therefore astronomers think the rings of Neptune are made of micrometre dust (dust the size of a millionth of a metre) and ice particles.

Who made the planetary model?

Johannes Kepler was the person who made the planetary model. He was a German astrologer, mathematician and astronomer. He was also a Mathematics teacher.