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They are points on the line,.

If the line is a straight line the points are said to be colinear

If all the points are on a line with an equation of the form (x - X)² + (y - Y)² = r² then the points are all points on the circumference of a circle with centre (X, Y) and radius r.

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7y ago

The word you're looking for is "colinear". Any two points are always colinear. (That is, it is always possible to draw a line between two points, making them by default colinear. Colinear starts to look really funny if you write it enough times.

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Q: What are points that lay on the same line?
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If three points are coplanar then are they collinear?

Not necessarily. Coplanar means that points lie on the same plane whereas collinear means that points lie on the same line. Points on a plane do not necessarily lie along the same line.

Why is a line undefined?

A line is undefined because all points on the line have the same x-coordinate.

Does a plane containing 2 points of a line contains the entire line?

Yes, a plane containing 2 points of a line contains the entire line. Let us consider two points on a plane and then draw a line segment joining those two points. Since the points lie on the plane so line segment has to lie completely on that plane too. Now if we extend the line segment indefinitely in both directions we get a line and that line also has to lie on the same plane since some definite part(line segment) of it(line) also lies on the same plane.

Which two points lie on a line with an undefined slope?

Any two points on a vertical line. For example, the line x=7 is a vertical line with undefined slope. Every point (7,y) where y is any real number, lies on the same line.

Can you give an example of collinear point?

As defined by Math Open Reference: collinear points are points that lie on the same line. Any series of points with a yvalue of 4, for example, will be collinear since they lie on the same line. Lines formed by collinear points can have any slope and be located anywhere on a co-ordinate plane. The Math Open Reference link shows a working visual example of collinear points.

Related questions

What are two or more points called if they lie on the same line?

Points on the same line are collinear (co-linear) points.

What are points that are contained on the same line or portion of a line?

Points that are contained on the same line or portion of a line are considered to be collinear.

What is the points that do not line on the same line?

Non-collinear points.

Three points lying on the same straight line are called?

Points on the same line are called collinear points.

What are collinear points?

Collinear points are points that lie on the same line. Noncollinear points do not lie on the same line. Any two points are always collinear, i.e. forming a line. Three or more points can be collinear along a single line.Collinear points lies on the same straight line.

What do we call points A B and C are on the same line?

They are collinear points that lie on the same line

If the points are on the same line then the points are collinear?

Three or more points that lie on the same straight line are called Collinear.

Noncollinear points lie on the same line?

You have to have three or more points to have non-colinear points because any two points determine a line. Noncolinear are NOT on the same line.

What do you call two points that lie on the same line?

Any two points lie on the same line, since a line can be drawn through any two points.Three points that lie on the same line are described as being "collinear" points.

What are some examples of collinear points?

collinear points are points on a grid that lie on the same line. Non-collinear points do not sit on the same line.

What is points that lay on the same plane called?


Are points on the same side of a line in the same half plane?

Yes. If points are on the same side of a line, they are in a half-plane.