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Q: What are positive things about wind energy?
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What are some positive effects of wind and water in the tropics?

Wind and water in the tropics play a crucial role in regulating the climate by carrying heat, moisture, and energy across the region. They contribute to the formation of tropical storms and hurricanes, which can help distribute heat and maintain a balance in tropical ecosystems. Additionally, wind and water currents support marine life by transporting nutrients and promoting oceanic circulation.

What are the positive aspects of using wind?

The Positive Is That Using Wind Turbines/Power Helps Conserve Energy!

Are wind power and wind energy the same?

Yes, wind power and wind energy are the same things.

Where has wind energy been used and how?

Wind energy can be used to power many things. Wind energy is produced by wind turbines that work opposite of fans.

Positive things about wind power?

I don't know. go look it up on some other site

What are two differences between using solar energy and wind energy?

1. solar energy you get from the sun while wind energy you get from the wind 2. solar energy you have to have solar things (ex solar ovens) wind energy you need a windmill for.

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solar energy

What are the positive things about ADHD?

you have a lot of energy! ALOT of energy!

What are the positive aspects of wind energy?

The positive aspects are when the wind turbines are used in which you start eating cake and ice cream and your going crazy when your in social studies in class

What are things that use Wind energy?

Wind mills, sail boats, kites, birds.

Why is wind an energy source?

Wind is considered to be an energy source because it moving and creating impact on the things around it. Wind can affects water sources for example.

What Positive of wind energy?

There are a number of positives of wind energy. Some of them include being a free fuel, it produces zero greenhouse gases, it is also quite flexible in terms of the amount of energy produced.