

What are potential variables?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What are potential variables?
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Gravitational potential energy depends on what 3 variables?

height gravitational acceleration and mass

What is a experimental constant?

There are potential variables that are kept constant for each trial in a set of trials.

What three variables determine the gravitational potential energy that an object has?

its mass, m; its height, h; its gravity acceleration field, g potential energy = mgh

What variables influence the amount of potential energy a falling object has?

Mass of the object, height, and gravitational force. On Earth, Potential Energy = (mass) x (height) x (9.8 m/s)

Which two variables determine the gravitational potential energy of an object?

The formula for potential energy is PE = mgh (mass x gravity x height), so it depends on those three values.

Will mass affect the amount of gravitational potential energy?

Yes. Mass is one of the variables (mass, gravity and height) for which gravitational potential energy is the product (meaning the multiplication of), so increasing mass will increase the gravitational potential energy in direct proportion.

How is the gravitational potential energy of an object affected if its height increases and other variables remain constant?

Gravitational PE = mgh; the product of mass, gravity, and height. At a greater height, there will be more potential energy.

When a 8kg object increases its potential energy by 240j approximately how has its position changed?

Potential energy is calculated as follows:Eg = mghWhere:Eg = Potential Gravitation Energym = Object's massg = Gravitational constanth = Height difference from the point of relation (usually the ground).So when we input the data into our variables, we get:240J = 8kg10m/s2hand after some quick calculations:h = 3m

How many variables are tested during an experiment?

There are three types of variables tested: manipulated variables, controlled variables, and experimental variables.

What is the differecnce between independent variables and dependent variables?

Every time the independent variables change, the dependent variables change.Dependent variables cannot change if the independent variables didn't change.

What are variables that do not change in an experiment?

Variables that do not change in an experiment are independent variables.

The variables that do not change in an experiment are what?

Variables that do not change in an experiment are independent variables.