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Kakapo are generally ground-feeders, eating fruits, seeds, roots, stems, leaves, nectar and fungi of other selected plants, and have been able to adapt to eating some introduced plants. However, although mostly herbivorous, they are actually classed as omnivores as they do feed on insects, whoch commonly form part of their diet, and they have even been known to eat small reptiles.

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10y ago
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10y ago

Kakapo, although mostly herbivorous, are actually classed as omnivores as they eat insects and have even been known to eat small reptiles. However, generally ground-feeders, they eat fruits, seeds, roots, stems, leaves, nectar and fungi of other selected plants.

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10y ago

Kakapo are mostly prey. They are vulnerable to predation from dogs, cats, stoats and rats, and their vulnerability has resulted in eir current status of being critically endangered.

Generally ground-feeders, they eat fruits, seeds, roots, stems, leaves, nectar and fungi of other selected plants, and have been able to adapt to eating some introduced plants. However, although mostly herbivorous, they are actually classed as omnivores as insects commonly form part of their diet, and they have even been known to eat small reptiles.

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10y ago

The kakapo is eaten by introduced predators such as stoats and cats. Feral cats decimated their population on Stewart Island. Dogs kill them, but do not eat them, while the kiore, or polynesian rat, eats the eggs and chicks.

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9y ago

There are no natural predators that hunt the Kakapo. This bird is sometimes hunted by humans for meat and for the feathers. They are protected now.

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14y ago

The main predators of the kakapo are dogs, cats, rats and stoats - all introduced to New Zealand after polynesian and European settlement.

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12y ago

Some Predators of the Kea include Humans(farmers), The Stoat(Squirrel like animal) and other powerful Birds/Eagles.

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How can a kakapo use its camouflage to survive in its environment?

Animals use camouflage to either help them hide from predators, or to help them sneak up on prey unexpectedly. In the case of the kakapo, being a flightless, nocturnal parrot with very few ways to defend itself, it needs to remain hidden from predators. The kakapo's feathers are mottled green and yellow, which have similar colouring to leaves in the kakapo's habitat and allow the kakapo to blend in with its environment. When a kakapo senses a predator, its first instinct is to freeze. This, coupled with the bird's green colouring, renders it almost invisible to many predators, especially humans, who used to hunt the kakapo for food.

Does the kakapo live in the forest or desert?

The kakapo lives in the forest. This is the habitat where it is able to find its food and be camouflaged in order to hide from predators.

Can kakapo feathers come in different colors?

Kakapo feathers are mottled green with a hint of yellow. They cannot come in any other colours apart from these. These colours provide the effective camouflage the kakapo need to stay safe from predators.

Does a kakapo migrate and what are its routes?

No the kakapo does not migrate because it is a flightless bird and moves very slowly.Also the kakapo is highly endangered (iucn critically endangered) and numbers are about 125 left alive.because of this the kakapo is only found on cod fish and anchor islands so they are free from predators. so in this case they have no were to migrate as they cant get off these islands.

What hunts kakapo?

The kakapo is hunted by introduced predators such as stoats and cats. Feral cats decimated their population on Stewart Island. Dogs hunt and kill them, but do not eat them, while the kiore, or polynesian rat, hunt the chicks.

What characteristics and environmental factors make the kakapo bird vulnerable to extinction?

Here are some factors that contribute to the vulnerability of the kakapo (often called the night parrot or owl parrot):The kakapo is flightless, so it is hard for it to get away from certain predators.The kakapo sleeps during the day and forages at night, which unfortunately is when a lot of predators are hunting.The kakapo has one of the lowest reproduction rates among birds.Before the introduction of non-native species, the kakapos did really well, but they are developed to be safe from predators like eagles. When dogs and other types of mammals were introduced, their numbers plummeted quickly.

Which countries is the kakapo found in?

The kakapo is found in only one country: New Zealand. The introduction of predators on the mainland has resulted in the remaining specimens of this critically endangered flightless parrot being moved to several offshore islands.

Is keeping kakapo in a cage good or bad?

Keeping kakapo in a cage is bad. Kakapo have a slow breeding cycle, breeding only once every two to three years. They often become stressed in captivity. The best place for kakapo is some of New Zealand's southern islands, where they can be protected from predators, but allowed to go about their lives in an area that closely resembles their natural habitat.

How has human beings threatened the kakapo?

they have been killed off by by humans and the animals to dramatic numbers then the animals on the main land have driven them to off shore islands like stewart island ,codfish island and anchor island and with there slow reproduction rate they will take a while for their numbers to increase.

Why do kakapo live in the bush?

Bushland and forest provides the necessary protection for the kakapo, which is critically endangered. The bush provides protection from predators, as the kakapo's plumage helps them to camouflage, and provides them with trees to climb, quickly escaling from ground-based predators. Kakapo cannot fly, but they are efficient climbers. It was not always the case that kakapo had to live in the bush. Fossil evidence indicates that, prior to Maori and then European occupation of the islands of New Zealand, kakapo were distributed in a range from the far north of North Island to the southern tip of the South Island. These flightless parrots lived in a variety of habitats, including tussock grasslands, scrublands and coastal areas. They also inhabited forests, including those dominated by podocarps (rimu, matai, kahikatea, totara), beeches, tawa, and rata. In Fiordland, areas of avalanche and slip debris with regenerating and heavily fruiting vegetation - such as five finger, wineberry, bush lawyer, tutu, hebes, and coprosmas - were known as "Kakapo gardens". However, European settlement has changed where the kakapo can safely live.

Why do kakapo have green feathers?

Kakapo are not the only birds with green feathers. Peacocks have green amongst feathers, as do many species of parrot besides the kakapo. In the case of the kakapo, being a flightless, nocturnal parrot with very few defensive mechanisms, it needs to remain unseen. Therefore, camouflage is one of its most effective defences, and the reason why its feathers are mottled green and yellow. The green feathers have similar colouring to leaves in the kakapo's habitat and allow the kakapo to blend in with its environment. When a kakapo senses a predator, its first instinct is to freeze. This, coupled with the bird's green colouring, renders it almost invisible to many predators, especially humans, who used to hunt the kakapo for food.

When was Kakapo created?

Kakapo was created in 1845.