

What are properties of metal?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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13y ago

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Metals have a number of properites. Metals are elements which have from one to three electrons in their valence shell. A metallic bond is formed by the sharing of electrons by the entire mass of atoms, in the form of an electron cloud. Metals are good electrical conductors, good heat conductors, generally strong and flexible. Some metals are highly flammable. They are shiny.

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13y ago
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2w ago

Metals are typically shiny, malleable, and ductile. They have high thermal and electrical conductivity, and are usually solid at room temperature (except for Mercury). Metals also tend to be dense and have a metallic luster.

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10y ago

1. Metals have lustre.

2. They have high density.

3. Good thermal conductors.

4. Good electrical conductors.

5. Ductile.

6. malleable.

7. Sonorous.

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