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Viruses are composed of two main parts an outer protein covering called a capsid and an inside core of either DNA or RNA. Not both DNA and RNA. Some of these have an envelope over the capsid. The ones that do not are said to be naked. The proteins in the capsid allow the virus to attach to the "docking stations" proteins of the host cell. The naked viruses are more resistant to changes in the environment.

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Q: What are proteins found on the outside of cells and viruses called?
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Proteins are biomolecules that are produced in cells. Cells have three distinct parts such as cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm. Proteins are produced in the cytoplasm by ribosomes. The protein coding sequences are actually coded in DNA.

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viruses are specific to the cells they infect called host cells

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Viruses can infect animals, plants and bacteria, and the attachments vary. In animal viruses: Animal cells have a cell membrane. Viruses attach to certain proteins in that membrane. In plant viruses: Plants can also be infected with viruses. Since they have cell walls, viruses attach to those when infecting plants. In bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria): Special viruses called bacteriophages attach to the cell walls of bacteria by way of proteins.

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Why are most viruses highly specific to cells they infects?

viruses must bind precisely to proteins on the cell surface and than use a hosts genetic system, this is why most viruses are highly specific to the cells they infect

What are in viruses?

They don't belong to a kingdom because they are not cells. They are just genetic material wrapped in proteins that reproduce inside of cells.

How do some viruses trick cells into letting them in?

How do some voruses trick cells into letting them in

What is the medical term meaning proteins foreign to the body?

A heterologous protein; however, any abnormal substance (bacteria, viruses, cancer cells) in the body is called an antigen

Why can a virus enter some types of human cells and not others?

Some viruses are very specific to certain cells. The cell has proteins on it's surface and a virus will use it a docking station to be able to enter the cell. Some cells don't have that protein and the virus can not enter the cell.

What is the purpose of proteins on outer coat of a virus?

To match and dock with proteins on the outside of cells they are going to enter.