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Q: What are putnams motivations for his actions in Salem?
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What two families were at the center of the Salem witch trials?

The two main families in the area, and the prime example in the Village-Town feud theory, are the Putnams of Salem Village and the Porters of Salem Town.

Why didn't the Putnams like the nurses?

The Putnams did not like the nurses because they were black and the Putnams are racist.

There is a prodigious danger in the seeking out of loose spirits.?

The quote, spoken by Rebecca in the crucible, discusses the banning of witchery in Salem and the risks that come with witchcraft. She speaks to the Putnams and Parris. The quote shows the Salem citizens ideas of that time period.

What is Albert Einstein's motivations for his actions?

Albert Einstein's motivations for his actions may have been a love of mankind. It is reported that Einstein was a compassionate and caring person who looked to promote the greater good.

What motivates the other characters actions?

Various motivations drive characters' actions, such as power, revenge, love, fear, ambition, and loyalty. These motivations are often intertwined and can vary depending on the character's background, goals, and personal beliefs. Understanding these motivations can add depth to the characters and drive the plot forward.

What happened to the putnams after the Salem witch trials?

both ann and thomas killed themselves 2 day after the witch trials because the couldn't live without there little ann jr.

What does underlying motivations mean?

Real reasons for actions not verbally expressed or otherwise implied.

Which elements of society does miller seem to be criticizing through the characters of reverend parris and the putnams?

Neither Parris nor the Putnams want to take any personal responsibility for their problems, and they are prone to blaming others for those problems rather than themselves. Through Reverend Parris's character, Arthur Miller criticizes the rampant hypocrisy and selfishness throughout Salem's Puritan society.

Identify francis and rebecca nurse in the crucible?

Rebecca Nurse - Francis Nurse's wife. Rebecca is a wise, sensible, and upright woman, held in tremendous regard by most of the Salem community. However, she falls victim to the hysteria when the Putnams accuse her of witchcraft and she refuses to confess.Francis Nurse - A wealthy, influential man in Salem. Nurse is well respected by most people in Salem, but is an enemy of Thomas Putnam and his wife.

What the character does?

The character's actions, behaviors, and decisions that drive the plot forward and reveal their personality and motivations.

What does a character's motivation help the reader better understand?

We understand the character's actions better when we are privy to the motivations behind them.

Who were Thomas Putnams enemies in his land?

John Proctor