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"electromagnetic spectrum"

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Tyreek Marquardt

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Q: What are radio waves visible light rays and x rays all a part of?
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What kind of wave are electromagnetic waves?

radio waves

Is Radio waves are shorter than waves of visible light?

Yes, radio waves have a longer wavelength than visible light. They are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What is visible light part of?

Visible light is part of what is called the electromagnetic spectrum. Light is electromagnetic energy, and so are radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays.

Is radio waves a form of radiation?

Yes, radio waves are electromagnetic waves.They are in the part of the spectrum with the longer wavelengths, longer than microwaves, and visible light waves.

What type of electromagnetic waves are visible?

types include (in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength): radio waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays

How are visible light infrared light X-rays gamma rays microwaves and radio waves related?

they are all part of the electro magnet spectrum :)

What kind of waves are gamma rays and radio waves?

Radio waves are electromagnetic waves and are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other electromagnetic waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are microwaves, visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays

What kind of light can be used to heat your food?

Not radio waves. microwaves are used but they are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum as is visible light, infra-red etc.

What are visible light waves are part of?

The electromagnetic spectrum

Visible light waves are part of the?

electromagnetic spectrum.

Types of radio waves?

Both gamma rays and radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but gamma rays are much higher frequency (shorter wavelength) than radio waves. Visible light is lower frequency than gamma and higher than radio.

All Electromagnetic radiation?

Transverse waves