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Q: What are reason people sometimes kill snow leopards?
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Who are predators to ligers?

Ligers don't have predators, but people can somtimes kill ligers, and leopards sometimes get into fights with ligers, and can sometimes end up killing the ligers for their food that they were fighting for. But sometimes ligers can win and the leopards will die.

How do hunters kill snow leopards?

Hunters use guns to kill leopards and then follow it around until it dies of cold or because of the wound. It is illegal to kill some leopards but people do it anyway.

What is a leopards predaters?

Besides human beings, tigers and lions sometimes kill leopards. But rather than being a case of predation, it is usually eliminating a competitor.Humans.

Can snowleopards kill people?

Yes, snow leopards can kill people, but probably only if they're REALLY hungry or we bother them.

Can a tiger eat a leopard?

Yes, they kill leopards sometimes, and will sometimes eat the dead leopard.

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Adult pandas have no problem with leopards but snow leopards are known to kill young pandas.

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Leopards sometimes kill panda cubs. They are the only animal predator.

Can leopards kill bison?

No. Leopards don't even live where bison do, so how you you expect them to kill them?

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No, but they are listed as vulnerable. The reason is people still kill them because they consider them vermin, because they will sometimes kill livestock. Source; IUCN Redlist

What kill the African eagle?

Hunters shoot them down for fur and feather. Farmers kill them for protection of bird livestock. Leopards sometimes kill them when eagles come to attack them. Lionesses kill them for food or defense.

What is a predator to leopards?

humans, the answer is simple some idioit thought the snow leopard had a nice pelt so he killed a few and made a coat and more and more people liked it so soon the snow leopard was starting to die out and the smart people started to make it illeagle to kill snow leopards but still some people are soo stupid and kill snow leopards any way and I think they should be killed

Can a animal kill a gorilla?

Yes , leopards can kill .