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They restrict you from being expressive in your choice of clothing.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

so kids can expres them selves

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Q: What are reasons uniforms and extremely strict dress codes are bad?
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Did the children of 1930 have school uniform?

In the 1930s, school uniforms were not as common as they are today. Some private schools and certain regions may have had school uniforms, but it was not a widespread practice. Schools often had dress codes, but they were not as strict or uniform as modern school uniforms.

What are some resons for not wearing the school uniforms?

-kids cant express themselves, wouldnt a school look kinda stale if everyone wore the same thing? -school uniforms are boring or nerdy looking, -school uniforms can be expinsive, leaving less money to buy clothes YOU want to buy -school uniforms nay be uncomfortable

What are the qualities of school uniforms?

It shows in what school you go and represents your school. There are actually a number of good reasons for school uniforms. A great website with expert opinion on the topic of uniform dress codes and school uniforms is in the related link.

Ask us of the following was a response to events such as attacks on whites by members of maroon colonies the Stono Rebellion and the New York Slave Rebellion?

The passage of strict slave codes

How much better do schools do that have stricter dress codes?

Well, I believe in a strict dress code. I don't think we should wear uniforms, though.

Strict rules governing the behavior and punishment of enslaved Africans were called?

slave codes!!

Are student dress codes really needed?

Student dress codes can serve to create a conducive learning environment, promote a sense of professionalism, and discourage distractions in the classroom. However, they should be implemented in a fair, non-discriminatory manner and take into account individual expression and cultural sensitivity.

What has the author Linda Lumsden written?

Linda Lumsden has written: 'Dress codes and uniforms'

Are there any girls boarding schools in America with no uniforms?

Yes, but most have dress codes.

What was the effect of turner rebellion on slaves?

It made slave codes strict

Are kids that go to schools where uniforms are not worn in gangs?

No not at all. Most, if not all schools have dress codes. Some are stricter than others. Some schools require uniforms to be worn but many do not. It just simply means that the kids who are not in uniforms go to a school that does not require them to wear uniforms.

Who provided aid to white women with children but subjected them to strict codes of behavior?
