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Ripe bananas reach sweetness, unripe stick a strange flavor to your tongue. Ripe ones are normally yellow with brown spots on the skin. More spots, riper it is. Sometimes, particularly on cold wheather, bananas may get ripe without spots, but all yellow.

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they want yellow brown bananas look good to eat? haha

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Q: What are ripe bananas referring to in a recipe -yellow bananas or brown?
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Is brown and yellow an adverb?

No. When referring an object, brown and yellow are adjectives.

What colors can bananas be?

Bananas are green when not yet ripened, yellow when they are good to eat, and brown/black when they are rotting and going bad.

Is a banana yellow?

Bananas are green, but when they are ripe they turn yellow. When they are rotten, they get brown blotches and eventually turn all the way brown.

Why are bananas are almost always piked when they are still green?

Because bananas need to ripen and if you pick them when they are yellow they will be brown by the time they are shipped and sent to the stores.

Are bananas rotten when the skin turns black?

Yes. They suppose to be yellow, if it's a little Brown you can eat it

Are bananas always yellow?

They start green and turn 'yellow' as they rippen, they then start to turn brown then black as they get past their best and start to rot. The flesh of a bannana is not yellow but a creamy white.

Are green bananas ripe?

No, green bananas are under ripe. Bananas go from green to yellow to brown (ripe).

What color is a banana tree?

Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow in hot places like Africa and Spain. But Great Britan bananas are pink because there is not alot of sun there so they don't ripen very well !!!! Banana's can also be brown if bruised and green if very ripe at that particular moment

Why are bananas yellow?

When bananas are growing they are green, as they ripen they go yellow and after that black and then rotten. So yellow to some may be an indication when they are good to eat. Many people consider them ready to eat only when they are yellow with brown spots.

What is a bananas color?

Green and Yellow

Why do foods discolor?

Because of chemical changes within the food. This signals that the food is not as fresh as it once was. an example of this is when bananas that are yellow, turn brown.

What materials would you use to answer will bananas brown faster on the counter or on the refrigerator?

two bananas, a counter, a fridge, and some time.