

What are sandstorms made of?

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12y ago

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Wind and sand

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Q: What are sandstorms made of?
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Related questions

Who made sandstorms?

God made sandstorms along with the sand. Its starts with the wind blowing really hard which makes the sand lift up and god called it sandstorm. As well as creating the rest of the rest of the world along. Some people don't believe that God made the world but he actually did because who created rain and sun. Breeze, wind, sand, land, and sea. It couldn't of just appeared could it. The answer to that is no. So God did make sandstorms the final answer is God made sandstorms.

Can you have sandstorms in the Egyptian deserts?

Yes, sandstorms can and do occur in the deserts of Egypt.

What does Sandstorms look like?

In the related links box below, I posted the pictures of the sandstorms.

What desert has sandstorms that can last for days?

Nearly all deserts (except Antactica) can have sandstorms that last for days. The Sahara and the Namib are especially prone to long lasting sandstorms.

What are the huge sandstorms located in West Africa?

The sandstorms coming from the Sahara desert are the Harmattan winds.

When do sandstorms happen?

sandstorms come when the mixture of air is high and that cause the sand dunes to move and create a sand storm

How do sandstorms affect the land?

Sand-storms can cause blindness. And sandstorms can dry up water and anything else with water in it!

Can wind turbines help control sandstorms in Saudi Arabia?

Wind turbines can barely help control sandstorms in Saudi Arabia. The sandstorms are usually very powerful and using the wind turbines may prove to be futile.

What happens in sandstorms?

there is a strom of sandyes

Can you predict sandstorms?

no, I'm not psychic.

Did ancient Egypt have sandstorms?


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