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Q: What are scientists who study and measure wind directions called?
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What is it called when scientists study plants?

When scientists study plants, it is called Botany.

What are the scientists who study caves called?

Scientists who study caves are called speleologists

What are the scientists who study the earth are called what?

Scientists who study Earth's surface and interior are called Geologists.

What are scientists who study earth's oceans called?

Scientists who study earth's oceans are called oceanographers.

What type of scientists that do the study of rocks are called?

Scientists who study rocks are called geologists. They specialize in the field of geology, which includes the study of the Earth's history, structure, and processes, including the formation and properties of rocks.

Why are scientists called scientists?

because they study about Science

What are the people who study genentics called?

The scientists who study genetics are called geneticists.

Scientists who study the physical properties of rocks to tell how the rocks may have formed are called?

Scientists who study rocks are called petrologists.

Scientists that study fungi?

Mycologists are scientists that study fungi. They examine the characteristics, biology, ecology, and classification of fungi, contributing to our understanding of their importance in various ecosystems and their applications in biotechnology and medicine.

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