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They code for "start" and "stop" and are called stop and stop codons.

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Q: What are sequences of nitrogenous bases in RNA that do not make proteins called?
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What is used to direct proteins synthesis in the cell?

Sequences of nitrogenous bases in the cell's DNA.

Nitrogenous bases are an important part of what compounds?


DNA indirectly directs the production of proteins based upon its nitrogenous bases?

the order of its nitrogen bases.

What component of DNA is referred to as the genetic code?

nitrogenous bases

Nitrogenous bases called purines?

Guanine and Adenosine

Belong to the class of nitrogenous bases called purines?

Adenine and Guanine belong to the class of nitrogenous bases called purines. They are characterized by a double-ring structure that includes both a six-membered ring and a five-membered ring. These purine bases play a crucial role in the structure of DNA and RNA molecules.

The order of nitrogenous bases in DNA determines the order of what in organism?

The order of the Amino Acids in the protein chain.

Is it true that DNA has two sugar phosphate backbones and variable sequences of nitrogenous bases that form complementary pairs between the sugar-phosphate backbones?


What do plants use nitrites and nitrates to form?

Sometimes proteins and sometimes the nitrogenous bases in their genetic material (DNA/RNA)

Is DNA comprised of proteins?

No, DNA is a nucleic acid which is made up of deoxyribose sugar, phosophate and nitrogenous bases. However, chromosomes contain both DNA and proteins.

What genes code for the same character?

The genetic codeThe genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded within genetic material (DNA or mRNA sequences) is translated intoproteins (amino acid sequences) by living cellsThose genes that code for proteins are composed of tri-nucleotide units called codons, each coding for a single amino acid.Each nucleotide sub-unit consists of a phosphate, deoxyribose sugar and one of the 4 nitrogenous nucleotide bases.

What are the subunits of protiens?

The subunits of proteins are amino acids. These come in sequences of three bases. The bases are A,T,G,C. Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine.