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Darwin's Observations
  1. There is a variation of characteristics/traits within a population
  2. Traits are passed from parent to offspring (heredity)
  3. Organisms produce more offspring that are able to survive (overproduction)
  4. Due to the lack of resources, some offspring may not survive
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Darwin Charles Brady Drummond 7 Support Random

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Q: What are seven kinds of evidence that support Darwin's theory of evolution?
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There is no proven theory of evolution only the physical evidence of what Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

What scientific evidence proves Darwins theory of evolution?

can someone help me please

List of reasons why evolution is true?

There is strong evolutionary evidence by people such as Darwin.There is evidence in our biological structures ie: bones and DNA in particular.Although evolution (the theory) is debated there is very strong evidence (look at Darwins books and research)

How do fossil and biochemicals support the theory of evolution?

Because due to Darwins theory of evolution, fossils lead to adaptations over time therefor giving us reason to find evolution within human beings and animals.

What book did he write about natural selection?

Darwins theory of evolution :)

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Darwins theory of evolution

How does observed evolutionary change support the scientific theory of evolution?

The theory predicts that evolution will happen and in certain ways. The observed evolution makes this prediction correct. It also defines evolution as happening, and as such is perfect evidence in support of it.

Was over production in a population included in Darwins theory of evolution?

no the theory of evolution is a species becoming more advanced not over populated

Do you believe that this evidence gives support to the theory of evolution?

I do not so much " believe it " as I an convinced by the myriad lines of converging evidences that support the theory of evolution by natural selection.

How does Josiah Strong show that he supports the theory of evolution?

There is strong support for the theory of evolution due to fossils that have been found by archeologists. The fossil records show evidence of evolution over billions of years.

Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection supports the idea of survival of the?


What did Darwins study?

Charles Darwin studied birds, medicine, and theory of evolution.