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If you know the person well, you might see large amounts of money unaccounted for. You might see them being very energetic, with less inhibitions, heightened self esteem, they may be talking about emotional issues which are out of character for them. Physcially you could see large pupils, sweating, if they are smoking it you could see changes in their teeth, lips, tongue and mouth. They will be very jittery and agitated when they are coming down, often irritable as well.

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15y ago
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14y ago

always being paranoid, always asking for change, or any money, known for stealing things and always selling them, if they can't get it they're really irritated. if they're high on it their eyes are usually bloodshot and their thinking is pretty irrational kinda like a drunk person except even more ridiculous. always have no money to do anything.

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12y ago

less you have used cocaine (by snorting, smoking, injection by a needle, or injested) you wouldn't have symptoms. Cocaine isn't like the flu so to speak. Whether of not one has these symptoms is their own doing.

Symptoms include:(Short term)

Constricted blood vessels.

Dilated pupils.

Increased body temperature.

Increased heart rate.

Higher blood pressure.




Also, snorting this substance causes nosebleeds, loss of smell, and trouble swallowing.

Long term effects are much much worse they range from brain damage to extreme paranoia. (the user will always be anxious, always think someone or something is out to get them. Most would describe them as jumpy and frightend 24/7)

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14y ago

Constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, hyper-alertness, lack of fatigue/sleeplessness, panic, extremely talkative; fast speech, runny nose or bloody nose, seizures from high doses or bad reaction, white powder seen on face or clothes, small spoon-like items used for snorting, mirrors and razor blades used for making lines, rolled money bills used for snorting, small bottles with screw on lids for storing and possession of small plastic packets with white residue.

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11y ago

Some of the biggest signs of crack addiction include: sudden changes in behavior such as becoming agitated or angry, withdrawal from work and social events, dilated pupils, insomnia, and sweats. Other signs can include lack of personal care, weight loss, incoherent or slurred speech, poor oral hygiene, and wheezing or shortness of breath.

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9y ago

There are several noticeable signs when a person is on crack. A person may experience over stimulation, paranoia, and picking and scratching skin.

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11y ago

There are some common signs of a crack addiction. One is that a person cannot function without taking crack. Another is that most of their money is spent on that addiction.

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15y ago

they look like Tyrese Gibson

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9y ago

they act drunk and lousy.

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Q: What are signs that people are using cocaine?
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Who many people world wide are using cocaine?

i bet you about trillion people are using cocaine!

Who signs the original song cocaine running around my brain and its remix?

Escort - "Cocaine Blues"Dillinger - "Cocaine In My Brain"

How many people go to jail a year from using cocaine?


Do people use cocaine alone?

Oftentimes, yes. The first signs of drug abuse can include social and/or family isolation.

Blood shot and glassy eyes are they a sign of cocaine use?

On some people. The signs and symptoms vary between different users. On some people you can't tell by looking at them that they are under the influence of cocaine. Others have obvious signs, such as the blood shot, glassy eyes, trembling, red really depends on the user and their body's chemical reaction to the drug. Also, the amount of cocaine used is a factor.

What are the effect of using cocaine?

If you do cocaine you will get pregnant and die.

Where can you get help when using cocaine?

Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

What are the laws of young people using cocaine?

Cocaine is illegal everywhere for everyone, regardless of age. Use will result in massive fines and/or lengthy periods of jail/prison.

How do you lace a cigarette in cocaine?

PEOPLE WHO USE DRUGS will roll their own cigarette using tobacco or marijuana, and take cocaine that is crushed into a powder, and put it in as they roll it.

Can you become addicted to cocaine if you didnt know it was cocaine you were using?


Does using crack cocaine affect your vocal chords if you sing?

yes it does in great portions from the moon people

Can man still produce babies while using cocaine?

No, a man cannot produce babies even when not using cocaine.