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Q: What are similar god or goddess in another culture of Apollo?
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Who is a god similar to Apollo from another culture?

From Norse mythology, you might find a God/Goddess named Bragi who is similar.

What is a similar god from another culture of Apollo?


What was Apollo similar god or goddess?

its a god

Who was the goddess of art of the ancient Greeks?

Apollo was the god of culture and learning.

Who are pallas and Apollo?

Pallas is another name for Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategy. Apollo is the god of warfare and fear.

The goddess Artimis can be found in what ancient culture's mythology?

The goddess Artimis can be found in the ancient culture of Ancient Greek Mythology. She is often described as the daughter of Zeus, and Leto and is the twin sister of Apollo.

What was goddess Diana goddess of?

diana/artemis was goddess of the hunt and twin to apollo.

How did Apollo become a Greek Goddess?

Apollo is not a Greek goddess; he is a Greek god, born of the Olympian god Zeus and the Titan born goddess Leto.

What is a god or goddess similar to Artemis?

Apollo is Artemis' twin brother. They both have the responsibility of driving a chariot across the sky-- for Apollo, the sun, and for Artemis, the moon. They are both archers, as well.

What was Apollo a goddess of?

Apollo wasn't a goddess. He was a male god. He was the god of music, the sun, medicine, archery, and prophecies.

How did Apollo become a goddess?

Apollo was born a Greek god, a male deity who never became a female goddess.

Who was Apollo's counterpart?

Apollo's twin was Artemis who was the goddess of the moon