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Q: What are similar with Dalton model and electron cloud models?
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Related questions

Who Proposed that the atom has a nucleus and electron cloud?

John Dalton, I believe.

Why is the current atomic called the electron cloud models?

The electron cloud model best describes the organization of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.

An in the electron cloud is similar to a shelf on a refrigerator?

energy level

Did Dalton's model of the atom include protons?

no, because according to him an atom is a tiny indestructable sphere with mass on it.

Which models of the atom reflects the unpredictable motion of the electron?

Quantum mechanics explains the unpredictable nature of the electron (and of subatomic particles in general).

What is the fuzzy part of an atom called?

I suppose on some atom models the electron cloud would be called "fuzzy".

What is a electron cloud?

An electron cloud is an atomic orbital.

Is the electron found in the electron cloud or in the nucleus?


Is the electron found in the electron cloud or the nucleus?


How does Dalton's model of the atomic theory differ from the models that came before it?

You did not specify but seeing as my course is currently specifying in this field I have at least minimalist credentials in laments... Older models had electrons following an orbit which is frankly not true, modern day electron cloud models show that they are roughly here whereas for instance, the Bohr model shows them following a strict orbit

What is a detailed explanation of the electron cloud model?

Scientist use the electron cloud model to represent an atom.In the electron cloud model, an atom has two distinct regions-the nucleus and the electron cloud.

Where are the nucleus and electron cloud?

nucleus is in the middle and the electron cloud is around it