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If these small water sacs are beneath your eyes, and just above your cheeks, they are probably related to Allergies. Sometimes this is a reponsed to your exposure to environmental elements that you are allergic too.

Typically, allergens (those things you are allergic to like pollen, oak, grass, dog hair, etc) cause allergic reactions like sniffy nose, watery, dry, itchy eyes, dark circles under your eyes, but sometimes, these allergic reactions are small water sacs. These reactions are caused by your body when it releases a substance called "histamine."

Don't try popping them. Not a good idea. The best answer is to take something that will help with your allergic symptoms. You want to counteract the histamine response by taking an "anti-histamine." This is something like benadryl or diphenhydramine over the counter. If you want something that is non-sedating, then pick up some Zyrtec or claritin over the counter.

That should do it!

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