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Considering they don't hae ears, theyare sensitive to ground movement lige: Stomping, Jumping etc. And colder temperatures.

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Q: What are snakes sensitive to?
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What is the organ called the detects heat from snakes?

There isn't a specific 'organ' - Snakes usually have a row of heat-sensitive 'pits' (or tiny holes) arranged around the top edge of their mouth.

Where can i catch a snake?

You can find snakes in tall grass and near sunny creeks. They are sensitive to motion so walk lightly

Are speckled band snakes deaf?

All snakes lack auditory organs, so, yes, they are deaf; however, their jawbones can pickup vibrations and their tongues contain extra sensitive scent molecules that somewhat make up for their lack of hearing.

What animal has poorest hearing?

The sea turtle has some of the poorest hearing among animals. They have limited auditory capabilities and are not very sensitive to low-frequency sounds.

Do many snakes detect the presence of a human by the body heat that the human produce?

Yes, many snakes can detect the presence of a human or other animals by sensing their body heat through specialized organs called pit organs, located on the sides of their heads. These heat-sensitive pits help snakes locate prey and potential threats in their environment.

Do snakes are afraid of thunder There are references in ancient Tamil literaturre about this?

probably, yes... as i think you know, snake are sensitive to ground vibrations. and thunder might cause distortions which effect the snake.

How do snakes catch their pray?

No - they have very poor eyesight and can only see light and dark (shadows). Their tongues are very sensitive to heat and smell. When a snakes tongue is darting in and out of the mouth they are literally taking in the particles from the air and analyzing the particles for water or prey in the area.

Why do snakes have there tongues out when they are searching for pray?

They don't ! They flick their tongue - which catches scent particles floating in the air. the tongue is withdrawn into the mouth, and the tips inserted into 'Jacobsons organ' - a sensitive area on the roof of the mouth.

What snakes are water snakes?

Snakes of the subfamily Natricinae are usually regarded as water snakes.

What males snakes are called?

male snakes..

What snakes are herbivorous?

No snakes are herbivores.

What are diifferent types of snakes?

milk snakes and coral snakes they look the same but coral snakes are dangerous and milk snakes aren't