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Q: What are some Estonian surnames?
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Related questions

What is some kind of Estonian food?

Red Currant Kissel. It is an Estonian dessert.

Who are some famous estonian people?

Lots of people and especially Kerli a famous singer. She is Estonian and was born in Estonia but lives in another country and sing in English not Estonian.

How do you pronounce Estonian in Estonian?

Estonian in Estonian is Eesti, pronounced ''Eestay'' or ''Eestlane'' Estonia in Estonian is 'Eesti' too.

How do you say you are beautiful in Estonian?

Armastus___________________________________________________"Ma armastan sind" is I love you in Estonian."Ma armastan sind kogu südamest" is I love you with all my heart.

How do you say 'browses' in Estonian?

Browse should be "vali" in Estonian... I am Estonian

How many people speak Estonian?

Most of Estonia speaks estonian, although some speak some Russian or finnish. i am an Australian who speaks estonian, though i don't think many people outside of Estonia speaks it.

What is Lili in Estonian?

Estonian LIISA

What are some Dominican surnames that begin with the letter D?

Diaz and De la Cruz are Dominican surnames. Other Dominican surnames include Duarte.

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What is death in Estonian?

Surm is death in Estonian.

What is some surnames?

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe are the surnames of America's first five presidents.

What are the most popular Kenyan surnames?

Otieno, Wanjiku , Wafula and Chebet are some of the most popular surnames. These surnames are determined by events and various ethnic communities in Kenya.