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Any Lead Mineral, as well as Carbonate Minerals.

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Q: What are some Similar Minerals to Galena?
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What mineral group is galena in?

Galena is in the sulfide group of minerals.

Which is least dense pumice or galena?

Pumice is far less dense than galena. Galena is one of the densest minerals.

What types of minerals is galena?

galena is a sulfide mineral, with the formula PbS (lead and sulfur).

What minerals are used in a thermometer?

Some minerals and elements in a thermometer are galena, copper, and cinnabar. The primary element present is mercury. It reacts to temperature gradient.

What group is galena in?

Galena is a mineral, lead suphide (PbS), and as such, it is in the group of sulfide minerals. Links can be found below to check facts and learn more.

What are 4 minerals that have iron in their chemical formulas?

crystal galena hernatite lazurite

What are the two minerals that have lead in their chemical formulas?

i only now one it's galena

What is Galena or bauxite?

Galena is a mineral composed of lead sulfide, and the main ore of lead. Bauxite is a rock containing various amounts of aluminum minerals and is the main ore of aluminum.

What is ores galena?

Galena is a mineral composed of lead sulfide, and the main ore of lead. Bauxite is a rock containing various amounts of aluminum minerals and is the main ore of aluminum.

What minerals are mined for lead?

The main lead mineral is galena (PbS), which contains 86.6% lead

What 3 minerals have metalic luster?

One is the mineral copper. Hope this helps.

What is metallic miner?

Metallic minerals are minerals that have a metallic luster, making them very shiny. A few metallic minerals are Graphite, Galena, Magnetite, and Pyrite. The mineral Hematite can be metallic or nonmetallic