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Q: Shiny minerals are said to have a metallic?
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What is metallic miner?

Metallic minerals are minerals that have a metallic luster, making them very shiny. A few metallic minerals are Graphite, Galena, Magnetite, and Pyrite. The mineral Hematite can be metallic or nonmetallic

Are metallic minerals harder than nonmetallic ones?

thats what she said

Is marble and fossils are non metallic minerals?

fossils are not metallic minerals. marbles are non metallic minerals.

What are metallic mineral?

Native metals are minerals. The only metals that commonly occur in native form are copper, silver, gold, and platinum.

What is non- metallic minerals?

Non metallic minerals are minerals that have no shine and crumble easily. Non-metallic minerals are sand, gravel, and stone.

What elements are shiny?

Metallic elements are usually shiny.

What characteristic of a mineral does the term luster describe?

A waxy luster gives minerals a shiny appearance.

What is the luster for fluorite?

The luster of Fluorescent Minerals are shiny and metallic because some of the minerals of the category have metallic appearances due to the metal and they have a wide variety of colors because of the reflection of the light to make them bright and shiny. They can also be earthy.

What is the difference between metal and minerals?

Metallic minerals are composed primarily of metallic elements and have a metallic luster and other properties, such as the ability to conduct electricity. Non-metallic minerals do not have these characteristics.

What mineral is soft and metallic?

Lithium is soft, metallic, and shiny.

What are the metallic and non-metallic minerals?


What are non metallic and metallic minerals?
