

Best Answer

If your scoliosis is mild then you should just do exercises aproved by a doctor for scoliosis.

If it is severse then you should either wear a backbrace to keep it from getting worse or get surgery.

Scoliosis can cause backpain. Try to keep a good posture to stop your pain!!

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Q: What are some Treatments for Scoliosis and spinabifida?
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What are alternative treatments for scoliosis?

As I have heard, there is no particular alternative treatment for scoliosis. Treatments like biofeedback cannot prevent scoliosis. Exercise has not been confirmed to affect change on scoliosis.

What alternative chiropractic treatments are available to reduce muscle tightness for patients with controlled scoliosis?

Muscle tightness and back pain associated with scoliosis should always be reported to your primary physician. With his/her approval, alternative treatments such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and yoga may provide some relief.

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great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

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great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

For what is the spinal cord?

great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

What is the spinal cord wanted for?

great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

What are all the treatments for scoliosis?

I have scoliosis. 1 wear a brace 2 get surgery 3 do exercises approved by a doctor for your scoliosis 4 get medal bars planted next to your spine for support (surgery)

Is scoliosis a disease or a disorder?

Scoliosis is a condition which results from asymmetrical growth of the vertebral bodies._______________From Dr. Lamantia:Yes, it is a disease. Scoliosis is most commonly found in female adolescents between the ages 12 and 14. However scoliosis may also develop in adulthood as a secondary condition to injury or degenerative arthritis. Non surgical treatments such as the spinecor brace-- looks like this (see phtos: http:/, or an exercise method such as the Schroth Method (see photos http:/ are the best treatments available today.

What will happen to your spinal cord if you get scoliosis?

If you are diagnosed with Scoliosis you should be referred to a spinal surgeon who will recommend treatments which could include bracing or surgery It really depends on the extent of the curve 10-25º observation 25-40º bracing 40-50º and over surgery

Can people be predisposed to scoliosis?

If you have spina bifida, congenital deformation of the vertebrae, or muscular dystrophy, those conditions can lead to scoliosis. Over 80% of scoliosis cases are idiopathic though, which means that know one really knows why some people develop scoliosis. You're more likely to get idiopathic scoliosis if you have a familiar member with scoliosis.

Do NFL players have scoliosis?

Some do probably

Does PE effect Idiopathic scoliosis?

No, it does not. It's possible that some activities might cause pain, depending on how severe the scoliosis is.