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Being successful doesn't have to mean having perfect grades. It's a combination of being a leader, participating in a couple extracurricular activities, having a great attitude and doing your best. Many colleges are looking for successful HS students with a good grades, someone who is actively participating in school (in clubs, sports, music , and other extracurricular activities). By the way, it doesn't matter if you are brainy. A person who scored 100 % correct doesn't necessary mean that they are going to Harvard or other top schools unless they did a little extra. Don't ever shy away from your teachers Ask questions and take as much extra help as possible. Successful students in HS ask questions. asking questions doesn't mean your not smart. If you think smart people know everything well your wrong. Everyone's human and needs help for something in their life at times. But be careful, having low grades does not help at all.

Find a studying routine that fits your needs. Such as a quiet place comfy place in your room or on the kitchen table. Try not to get distracted at all. Don't even think about watching tv or music. TRUST ME!!! I learned from that mistake from getting a B+ in Bio Honors ( I have high expectations for myself). This is HS not Middle school! Your practically an adult venturing out on your own. I know it's scary at first, butyou get used to HS, you click in to the routine more. Study each night, each subject for at least 30 min, and don't let the details go. Don't study the night before!!!!

By the way, staying active, eating the right foods, sleeping at the right time, definitely can help your attentiveness during the school day. How many times have you looked at old high school photos of adults and comparing them to now. Many of them used to be slim and well rounded. And now they are hanging around Wal-Mart with their big shaking stomach's so it's important to start creating routines with studying and other activities. Stay active!

Don't be pressured at all by your peers. Don't do drugs or alcohol or anything stupid of somesort. It definitely won't look great on your record and it's disgusting and fatal. Try to be your self. Participate in clubs. Be who you want to be( I know it's a statement from Barbie not trying to sound to odd here). Take advantage of clubs and activities in school. High school is a time where many people build their personalities. But don't sign up for everything. Remember, you need time for studying and relaxing.

Successful also does not mean being the most popular boy or girl in your class. Don't act snobbish Treat people the way you want to be treated. The slightest mean remark on someone can haunt that person forever. Don't discriminate people because of their race, color , or religion. We are all human. So Peace!! Your actions in HS can take a toll on you later in life. Domestic violence is not cool either. So PEACE PEACE PEACE ( not to sound like a hippie or anything). Being successful in High school now helps you be successful later in life as well.

Sorry that I wrote a lot. I know how stress full HS is so I hope this will help you or your child or whoever out there is in need of some help relating to HS. You are the boss of yourself. Setting your own personal goals in HS now is a great way to become successfull Thanks for reading!!!!!! (I know my grammer is horrid!!)

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9y ago

Receiving a bachelors degree or masters degree are important academic achievements. Being named valedictorian of the graduating class is another well known award.

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12y ago

Honors classes would be harder classes that you do because you want to be challenged. They entail more work and thought. They also look very good for college.

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Talk, walk, and chew gum at the same time.

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11y ago

What I hope to achieve in high school are good grades, a secret love relationship, and a best friend 'till the end! Thank you for asking.

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