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The Tasmanian tiger, more correctly known as the Thylacine, had a number of interesting adaptations:

  • It was a carnivorous marsupial, and able to open its jaws as wide as a snake can, something no other mammal can do.
  • Although it moved on four legs, it had strong hind legs shaped a little like those of a kangaroo. This gave it extra speed and agility for hunting prey.
  • It had up to 16 black or brown stripes on its back, predominantly at the tail end, which offered good camouflage in the grasslands and bushland it inhabited.
  • The male had a pouch to protect his reproductive organs as he ran through the thick bushland in which he lived.
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Q: What are some adaptations of the Tasmanian tiger?
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The correct name for the Tasmanian tiger is Thylacine.It was also known as the Tasmanian wolf.

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The habitat of the Tasmanian tiger is Australia

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There is no such creature as an Australian tiger, and there are no members of the cat family native to Australia. There was once a marsupial mistakenly called a Tasmanian Tiger, which died out in the 1930s, but this animal was not a member of the tiger family, or even remotely related.

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The Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus) is extinct.

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No it is not a tiger! O.K! That is true

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Given that the Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, is now extinct, it would be an easy win for the Tasmanian devil.

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The tasmanian tiger went extinct in tasmania in 1986

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The Tasmanian Tiger is thought to be extinct. As they were marsupials, the young were called joeys.The Tasmanian tiger was not a tiger nor a wolf (although sometimes being called a Tasmanian wolf); therefore the young were not called cubs or pups.

What other name is the Tasmanian tiger referred to as?

The proper name for the Tasmanian Tiger is the Thylacine. It is also sometimes referred to as the Tasmanian Wolf.