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Q: What are some adjectives that describe the moon that end in ing?
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What are some adjectives that end with ire?

Dire, billionaire, millionaire and entire are adjectives. They end with the letters ire.

What are two verbs ending in -ing that describe north in the 1800's?

Verbs don't describe they are actions eg I walk or states I love. Adjective descibe, some adjectives end in -ing. eg interesting Adjectives that describe north: interesting - surprising - debilitating (not sure what you mean by north maybe the north?)

What are some adjectives ending in -le?

Some adjectives that end with -le are:ableaccountableaffordableagileamiableamplebrittlecapablecharitablecollectibleconvertibledeductibledelectabledurableedibleeligibleequitableexhaustiblefacilefalliblefeasiblefeeblefemalefertileflexibleforeseeablefragilefutilegentlegulliblehalehonorablehorriblehostilehumbleidleignobleimpeccableimplausibleimpossibleimpracticableincredibleincurableinfallibleinfantileinvincibleinvisibleirritablejuvenileknowledgeablelaudablelaughablelegibleliablelittlelovablemalememorablemercantilemiddlemiserablemobilemotilemultiplenavigablenoblenotablenoticeablenubilenumerableobservableoperablepaleperceivableperishableplausiblepliableportableprehensileprobableprofitablepurplequestionablequotablerefundableregrettablerenewablesenilesimplesinglesociablesolestablestalesterilesubtlesuitabletactiletangibletaxabletelltaletensileterribletolerabletrebleusablevaluablevariableversatileviablevilevirilevisiblevolatilevulnerablewashablewholeworthwhile

What are some words used to describe scrooge?

Nouns are not describing words. Adjectives are the words that describe nouns. Some adjectives to describe Ebenezer Scrooge are:At the beginning of the story...1. Cold2. Mean-hearted3. SelfishAt the end of the story...1. Giving2. Lighthearted3. Joyful

What are abverbs?

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs by providing information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action is done. They can help to describe the manner in which an action is performed or provide additional context to the verb in a sentence. Examples include "quickly," "happily," and "very."

Which adjectives end in -some?

handsome, gruesome, toothsome

In spanish do adjectives come before or after nouns?

In the English language, adjectives usually come before the nouns they describe. For example, "the bold text". The word "bold" is the adjective, and it comes before the noun it is describing.In some other languages, such as Spanish, adjectives come after the nouns.

What adjectives end in i?

No adjectives end in i. Actually, no words in English end in i.

What are some adjectives about basketball that end with ing?

entertaining exhausting,

What are some adjectives that end in ward?

Downward, upward, backward,

Do adjectives normally end in ly?

not all adjectives, but most adjectives from nouns do end in -ly, also adverbs from adjectives.

What do masculine adjectives end in?

In Spanish, masculine adjectives typically end in -o. For example, "alto" (tall), "rápido" (fast), and "inteligente" (intelligent) are all masculine adjectives. However, it's important to note that there are exceptions and some masculine adjectives may not always end in -o.