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Advantage: People know not to mess with your brutal-ness. >:D

Disadvantage: How do you know when to stop fighting? And is it really worth the bloodshed? Really? The answer is no, the best way to slave a problem is to talk it out. If they're ignorant and don't listen, simply avoid.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Rat and lice were a massive problem in the trenches, there were millions and millions of rats, one rat produced 900 babies, so they were fast breeders, and they were huge! One was apparently the size of a cat. Lice weren't much better. They gave you trench fever, which takes 12 weeks to recover from and they got everywhere. Because the men couldn't wash, the eggs that the lice had produced just stayed on their body, on man count 163 lice on him at one time. Trench foot was also caused because of the trenches. When it rained, the bottom of the trenches filled up with water, and it never really left, it was just like having you feet in a cold muddy bath all the time. If you had trench fever, your feet went red and blue and numb, and they might have to be cut off, the only cure was to dry your feet and socks and shoes several times a day. The food in the trenches wasn't much fun either. The food was of poor quality and there wasn't much of it, there wasn't any water (except the rain water and if they had drank that than they would have been even iller) so they drank rum instead and some of the food they had was bully beef (corned beef) with bread and biscuits, all of which were probably stale.

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13y ago

Advantages and Disadvantages to who?

Advantages to the defender are good cover - bunkers and pillboxes as well as deep shelters, well pre-planned defensive setups with machine guns, artillery and possibly mines, wire and other traps and obstacles. You can minimise your casualties while inflicting massive harm on attackers.

Advantages to the attacker are that the defender is fixed in place so if you can maneuver around his flanks you can attack his rear or just go around, also you know where he is so artillery can be targeted in long/heavy bombardments, key points can be hit with air attack.

It really depends on the war you are fighting - what technology and tactics you have available as where the advantage lies.

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