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Some advantages of homeschooling are, the child would be able to have hands on learning, one-on-one. Some disadvantages are the children may not have a very good social life, children need to be able to play with friends. I think it depends on the best interest for the child.

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Q: What are some advantages of homeschooling your kids?
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Related questions

How much does homeschooling pay?

Homeschooling is not a paying job. Parents who don't like public education and aren't satisfied with the local private schools have the option of homeschooling their kids in some states. If you're talking about teaching other people's kids in their homes, then you are talking about tutoring, not homeschooling.

What percent of kids are homeschooling?

In America estimated 1,273,089.(not all states require you to register homeschooling students)I am one of them.

What percent of homeschooling kids get sick?

42% is the average

Where can I read more about homeschooling?

The website should be the perfect website to answer your question. This website deals exclusively with the topic of homeschooling. This site is for Florida, though. I read through some other websites but they are just talking about the advantages of homeschooling. I could not find a specific website in detail. Try the library or your state government.

What do you mean by homeschooling parents?

parents that teach their own kids at home

Is homeschooling bad for kids?

Home schooling can be good and bad for children. Some children benefit with not being around and socializing with large group of kids and others have a negative affect.

Do you have to go to college to homeschool your child?

Most states in America don't require parents of homeschoolers to be college educated. The vast majority of homeschooling parents, whether they are college educated or not, give their children a sound education. But there are some parents who neglect their children. To ensure that homeschoolers get a proper education, some states require them to be evaluated annually. Even in states such as Alabama where homeschooling is illegal, many parents are homeschooling their kids through a loophole called the church school option. And some of the parents there are not college educated. Homeschooling laws vary from country to country. Homeschooling is illegal in some countries, such as Germany. In other countries like Malaysia, there are no homeschooling laws at all and homeschooling parents are educating their children in total freedom. So it all depends on the country and state you come from.

How do you start Homeschooling?

Depending where you are you'll probably need to notify your local school that you're homeschooling your kid(s) and that they will no longer be attending. After that you can do whatever you or your kids want. Learning is easy, as long as school isn't stifling kids' natural desire to learn.

Are there any internet links to essays or articles about the dangers or downsides to homeschooling?

I'm not sure if I've ever seen an article on the downsides to homeschooling - there are just too many advantages! A study was completed last year which you may be interested in reading: Perhaps a downside could be burnout by parents, partcularly if they've been homeschooling several children for several years. Good luck! Since you asked, NBC did a "Law and Order - Special Victims Unit" on homeschooling being a cover for child abuse. (Go to and search for articles on homeschooling.) However, I think that is a grossly inaccurate portrayal of most homeschooling families. Like the last person said, there are only too many advantages to homeschooling that outweigh any "dangers or disadvantages."

What are some reasons against homeschooling your kids?

I can't think of any relevant reason, except for they are more limited in their social activity. They may become shy as a result. That's all there really is, but if you do team Homeschooling, or have a Homeschool get-together once a week or so, you shouldn't have any problem.

How do you write a good concluding paragraph about homeschooling and public school?

Write a few advantages and disadvantages of both then say which YOU think is better and why. You could also say why some people may disagree

How can you homeschool multi aged children effeciently?

Efficiency is subjective. Homeschooling a 3, 5, and 6 year old would be very different than homeschooling a 6, 9 and 12 year old or teenagers for that matter. If you are talking about elementary aged kids, many parents get one kid started on one lesson while the other is doing some self-directed work. Then you switch. Sometimes you can have both kids engaged in the same lessons, like Science or Social Studies, if the ages aren't too different. Check out the blog in the related link: Homeschool Revolution where a woman blogs about homeschooling her 2 kids using Evolution Homeschool's curriculum. She's honest about the trials and tribulations of homeschooling two kids with a new curriculum in the middle of the year.